Your Beauty Bucket List What Every Woman Should do before 30 ...


Bucket lists aren’t just for traveling or reaching your life goals. You should most definitely have a beauty bucket list too. There comes a time in your life when you get comfortable in your skin and are able to feel good about how you look. To get there, you need to learn what works best for you and figure out what products give you the look you love. So, before you turn 30, make a point of crossing these things off your list.

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Give in to the Lure of Glittery Make-up

Your 20s are the time to experiment with make-up trends. However, there are some that aren’t appropriate anymore once you reach age 30. Glitter is one of them. So if you want to make your 20s sparkle and shine, now is the time to grab some glittery eyeshadow or lipstick. Once you get to 30, make the switch to shimmer rather than glitter. In the meantime, enjoy the look – you’re at the right age for it!


Keep Your Sunscreen Close at Hand

In fact, it’s a good idea to take it with you everywhere you go. Forgoing sun protection ups your risk of skin cancer and increases the rate at which you age. You want to keep looking 20 until you turn 30, right? So slather on SPF every day, and reapply it every two hours if you’re going to be out in the sunshine. You’ll thank your younger self for this when you reach the big 3-0.


Ditch the Fruity Scent and Choose a Signature Perfume

A grapefruit and lime scent is ideal if you’re in high school because it’s fresh and age-appropriate. Before you turn 30, though, you are going to want to choose a signature scent that is both subtle and brings out your personality. Experiment through your 20s so you know which one is best by the time you hit your 30th birthday.


Apply Nail Art Stickers to Your Brightest Polish Colors

Chances are that when you’re 30, you’ll be well into your career or you’ll be a mom. In either case, nail decals are impractical. They aren’t welcome in all offices and moms don’t have time to paint their nails. So, now is the time to get funky and try all that cool nail art you see all over Instagram. Go for it now, while you still have time!


Talk to Your Dermatologist about Topical Retinoid Products

Retinoids are a girl’s best friend. Why? Because they can help repair damage and fight new wrinkles and fine lines. You’ll find them in many skincare products, but it’s a good idea to talk to your dermatologist first because retinoids must be used carefully and they aren’t appropriate for all skin conditions. Your 20s are a great time to get started with anti-aging so that you can reach your 30s looking young and lovely.


Wear a Fun Color of Mascara

Mascara comes in many more shades than black or brown. Before you turn 30, give it a try. It’s super fun for nights at the club and gives you a unique look that you can rock for shopping at the mall or a night out with friends. By the time you reach 30, you’ll probably be looking for something more professional so don’t wait too long to try purple mascara.


Rock Your Day with a Fun, Funky Hairstyle

Want turquoise highlights? Do it before you turn 30! Like other trends that are different, funky hair may have to fall by the wayside when you start your career or you lack the time to keep it up. So, now is the time to try the latest hair trends before life gets in the way.

Which of these trends have you already tried? Which ones are you going to add to your bucket list?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Dumb ass article


I'm with MamaKush! That girl is SO beautiful!! Who is she?

I just think the girl used on this article is BEAUTIFULLY STUNNING! Lol ; ) Who is she?

Moms don't have time to paint their nails?

Umm I'm a mom in her 30's and I paint my nails and with a little glitter. Stupid article

I'm 46 and I still wear whatever I want if it suits me and looks great ☺️

Um, what kind of BS article is this?

It's human rights, but don't you think that some women that are a little bit older do not look as good in bright colours? If it does go for it! But just like you do in your 20's in your 50s you should care about how you look. (I don't mean to sound shallow)

Loving the lipstick on the girl in the pic !

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