7 Awesome Gurus of Green Beauty ...


7 Awesome Gurus of Green Beauty ...
7 Awesome Gurus of Green Beauty ...

Green beauty is a hot topic, with synthetic and toxic ingredients in beauty products coming to light and natural, green beauty alternatives becoming more available all the time. I've discovered many green beauty brands and resources and the gurus behind them are inspiring! Here are 7 awesome gurus of green beauty!

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1. Jennifer Devlin

Jennifer Devlin Jennifer began her career behind the counters of mainstream beauty brands. She was happy in her role until she realized that the chemicals in what she was selling weren't doing her any favours, inside or out. A holistic aesthetician sold her on the benefits of green beauty, inspiring Jennifer to create Celtic Complexion, a safe skincare line hand-blended by Jennifer in her North Carolina home. Leaning heavily on organic Shea butter and coconut oil, Celtic Complexion is used by celebrity makeup artists and adored by bloggers and customers alike.

2. JoAnn Fowler

JoAnn Fowler This Vancouver-based celebrity makeup artist was prompted by actresses on the set of popular drama The L Word to use safer cosmetics. Research left JoAnn coming up short, so she created change by developing Sappho Cosmetics, a line of gorgeous non-toxic, high-performance makeup that offers both natural and dramatic looks, on and off-camera. Sappho is acclaimed for its incredible liquid foundation, which masks imperfections and evens out skin tone without looking overly made-up.

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3. Kristen Arnett

Kristen Arnett The makeup artist and founder of the Green Beauty Team takes her passion to new levels by consulting with brands and educating on non-toxic beauty through television, workshops, and writing. She's also the main beauty contributor for Whole Foods Market, and she gets mad respect from Elle Magazine, Martha Stewart and Style.com, to name a few. Kristen Arnett is unstoppable!

4. Josh Rosebrook

Josh Rosebrook L.A. Based hairstylist Josh Rosebrook uses his expert knowledge and passion for green beauty to formulate a world-class line of potently pure skin and haircare products. Josh sources the safest, highest quality ingredients for high-end products that actually work! Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Glamour are among his adoring fans.

5. The Glamorganic Goddess

The Glamorganic Goddess Danielle Messina fought cancer and won, turning her new lease on life into a passion project: The Glamorganic Goddess, a documentation of Danielle's mission to detox her beauty routine and life, upon learning about the chemicals she was ingesting. That mission flourished into an initiative to educate people about the benefits in leading a more natural lifestyle. Danielle has appeared in national print publications, and has been featured as a speaker at many events. She works with cancer patients and survivors, enlightening them and inspiring change in their daily lives and beauty routines. Through her blog, The Glamorganic Goddess engages her audience in fun, informative green beauty content.

6. Kelly Ross

Kelly Ross A longtime advocate of organic and whole foods, Kelly's passion progressed into the search for clean, safe skincare. Unable to find what she was craving, Kelly took matters into her own hands to create TASTYFACE Organics, a small-batch Oregon skincare company rooted in the belief that you should be able to eat what is put on your largest organ. With super clean ingredients and deliciously natural products like Peppermint White Chocolate Shave Cream and Blood Orange Vanilla body butter, Kelly's formulas marry performance with mouth-watering scents. Kelly is an inspiring green-beauty advocate with an innovative line of products.

7. Brandie Gilliam

Brandie Gilliam Brandie's Organic Beauty Talk blog began as a side project to guide others in their green beauty journey, blossoming into one of the world's leading blog resources for green beauty. Brandie's own journey in green beauty spans over a decade, and her researched approach to ingredients lends itself well to her writing, which has appeared in Coco Eco Magazine, Organic Spa Magazine, and more. Armed with a B.S. in Management Information Systems, Brandie's approach is informative, but never preachy. This combined with her gorgeous glowing skin at age 34 has earned her a substantial following and a firm place in the Green Beauty Industry.

I love these green beauty gurus! Do you have a favourite beauty guru?

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I'm going to try tasty face! Thanks

Stephanie, this is such a great lineup! I have followed and have used some of these gurus products! Thanks for also including some gurus I have not heard of. I always enjoy your articles and learn so much green beauty info from you! Keep up the good work