Kale, spinach, chard, romaine and collards are nature’s little miracles in my opinion, and as soon as you start eating them, you’ll quickly see what all the buzz about the benefits of leafy greens is all about. Many people who aren’t used to these greens are a little fearful of them. I know I used to be, until I started using them and then I was hooked! I found that by experimenting with ways to use them, I found multiple ways I enjoyed them. Raw in a monstrous crunchy salad, sauteed with some coconut oil and salmon, tossed into a tomato pepper omelet, or even mixed into a chocolate strawberry smoothie, I found I loved greens in many, many forms. If you know the benefits of eating leafy greens, but haven’t taken the first bite yet, let me give you some extra incentive. Greens can increase your beauty health within one week, and I’m not even exaggerating here. Check out my favorite ways that greens make you more beautiful and then, just dig in!
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1. Clear Skin
One of the first benefits of eating leafy greens that you’ll see is that your skin starts to clear up. When I first incorporated spinach into my diet, even before the holy grail of kale became popular, I noticed an immediate change in my skin within a week. I had less acne, and my skin looked clearer overall. I had less redness as well. When you first start eating greens, your body may go through a detox period where breakouts appear, but then go away. You should see a change in your skin within at least two weeks of eating greens. You’ll also see that your skin appears brighter as well. Greens are rich in chlorophyll, which is nature’s most potent cleanser. It aids in removing wastes from the body, including toxins and inflammation that cause acne and redness.
2. Smaller Waist Lines
Greens are full of fiber and very low in calories. An entire 10 ounce bag of spinach you buy at the store has only 60 calories and 15 grams of protein! Is that not crazy? For no fat and no sugar, this is one health food you can eat your weight in if you want to. I usually throw an entire bag into my daily green smoothies, and don’t think twice about it! Since greens fill you up, they are the one food we should be eating more of. They also help to keep your waistline small and give you lean muscles due to their protein content.
3. Fewer Wrinkles
Greens are alkalizing and also moisturizing so they help to reduce fine lines in the skin. Their rich profile of B vitamins, iron, folate, Vitamin E and Vitamin A are all great for the skin. The Vitamin C content in greens also helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Don’t resort to Botox before you at least eat your greens regularly. Juice them, blend, eat them raw or saute them. Either way, the more you eat, the better.
4. Stronger Nails
Just like greens make your skin lovely, they also give you strong nails. We can credit this to the protein content of greens, along with the iron and the B vitamin folate they contain. The minerals in greens, including magnesium, calcium and phosphorous, also help to increase nail health. These same minerals simultaneously aid in nervous system function which reduces stress and can even regulate bowel movements.
5. Brighter Eyes
I love how clear my eyes look when eating lots of greens. There is a saying behind the raw food diet that it gives you clear eyes, and this is actually not a myth, but very true! Greens are so alkalizing and clear toxins from the blood stream, so they reduce redness in the eyes caused from adrenal fatigue and toxin overload. Greens are also gently cleansing and meant to work with our body, not against it. If you look a little more tired than usual, just up your greens and cut back on the second cup of coffee each day. You won’t only feel better, but also look better too.
6. Shinier Hair
Who doesn’t want shiny hair? Eat more greens and you’ll get it! Greens enhance all areas of your body, including your hair. The protein content helps make hair stronger, reduce brittleness, and can aid in growth and repair as well.
7. More Energy
Lastly, greens give you SO much energy! Yes, they are low in calories, but they are vibrantly rich in nutrients that energize you, alkalize your cells and revamp your entire body. There’s nothing more beautiful than an energized, vibrant woman! Greens also increase mood health, which gives you a greater sense of energy and every happy woman is a beautiful woman, in my opinion?
No, greens aren’t anything supernatural, but in my opinion, they are nature’s most magnificent food. You should be sure to rotate your greens and use different ones to get the most benefits. Quit spending money on diet products and start eating more greens. What is your favorite leafy green?
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