Time-Saving Beauty Tips for College Students ...


Beauty tips for college students are always helpful. College students have limited time and sometimes a limited budget. These beauty tips for college students can help with both of those. It’s always good to find beauty tips that help you be your best.

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1. Find a Five Minute Face

One of the best beauty tips for college students is to find a five minute face that works for you. It’s good for everyone to have a five minute face but college students especially need one. You’re busy with your classes and studying. Spending a long time on your makeup is probably something you don’t always have time for. Most five minutes faces include concealer, mascara and a lip product.

2. Invest in a Good Concealer

Concealer is going to be a very good friend to you during your college years. It’s wonderful at covering up dark circles from sleepless nights, something most college students frequently have. Concealer is a beauty product that can help you look less like a zombie when you’re sleep deprived. If you’re going to splurge on any makeup product, this is probably the one to do that with. A good concealer is worth the price.

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3. Find Products That do Double Duty

When you’re on a budget, it’s nice when you can find a beauty product to do double duty. This is where creativity comes in. One example is to use baby oil as an eye makeup remover as well as to give your legs a hint of shine. Another would be to use conditioner to shave your legs with, too. There are many beauty products that you can use for more than one purpose.

4. Subscribe to a Monthly Beauty Box

It can be good for college students to subscribe to a monthly beauty box. Generally, college students don’t have a lot of time to go shopping for beauty products. Subscribing to a monthly beauty box can bring new products to your door. It’s also a lot of fun to open a box full of beauty surprises. Plus it can introduce you to products you never knew existed.

5. Moisturizer with SPF is Key

Moisturizer is important for everyone. It keeps your skin in good condition and gives your foundation a smooth surface to be applied to. It can also offer you protection from the sun if you purchase a moisturizer with SPF. College students are outdoors quite a bit with walking back and forth between their classes and dorms. A moisturizer with SPF will offer you protection during those walks.

6. Think Space Saving Tools and Products

Dorms are not the most spacious accommodations. It’s good to think about things you can do to give you more space when you live in a dorm. There are several options in space saving beauty tools and products. You might consider a smaller hair dryer or smaller version of your hair styling tools. Mini bottles of nail polish and other mini beauty products can be helpful, too.

7. Be Careful What You Share

It’s wonderful when you can share beauty tools and makeup with your roommates. For many things, this is fine. But there’re some beauty products you should use caution in sharing. Eye makeup and lip products are two things it’s best not to share. It’s easier to share germs when it comes to those two types of products.

I hope that you’ve found some of these tips helpful. What other beauty tips have helped you as a college student? You’re welcome to share.

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+Alejandra Try Ipsy or Birchbox

I've always wonder do you have to put sun screen on in winter? p.s- i live in Arizona.