A bright, sunny day especially during winters! Ahh! Nobody can resist the joy of sunny days, but joys come with a price and this one brings sun damage.
Sunburn, dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines, all are the outputs of photo ageing.
Photo ageing: Causing premature ageing, due to UV rays of the sun.
There is no doubt that our skin is excellent in fighting back these problems, but up to some extent. The safeguards which protect the skin from these harmful UV rays are the antioxidants. Antioxidants assist in neutralizing the free radicals caused by these rays and counterbalance the effect. However, being the most and gigantic visible organ that is influenced by harmful chemicals and sun rays every day, the safeguards of the skin are not able to protect for a long time and leads to photo ageing.
As per the data of an article published in Journal of Molecules, “UV exposure accounts for about 80% of visible signs of ageing in the skin such as wrinkling, dry appearance, scalping, and impaired pigmentation”.
Can you reverse the visible signs of sun damage?
This is the first question that comes in everyone's mind after reading this fact. Then the answer is Yes, this can be possible.
Simply working on the following 3 regimens, you can reverse the existing photo ageing symptoms and rejuvenate your skin.
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According to a scientific study, “Everyday wearing of a facial broad-spectrum photostable sunscreen can reverse the visible signs of photodamage”. Sunscreen is the indispensable requirement in the journey to inverse the photo ageing.
What type of sunscreen is best for this action? To understand the answer to this, we have to figure out the concept of Sun rays.
Have you ever looked at the term broad-spectrum mentioned on sunscreens? If not, then you need to think.
The sun emits two types of ultraviolet rays: UVA and UVB. UVB strikes the epidermis (the outer skin layer), whereas, the UVA pierces deep into the dermis and leads to photodamage. Not only this, but environmental pollutants are also there. Because both UVA and UVB damage the skin, the sunscreen should also be of wide-ranging.
So, what things should be there in a broad-spectrum sunscreen?
A) Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
You perhaps heard this term before. This is the factor which accounts for blocking the UVB rays and protect the skin. But, the question here is what is best SPF you should go for? The answer is the SPF range between 30 to 50 is the best. As this can protect your skin for long hours and can blocks up to 97 and 98 percent of sun rays.
B) Protection Grade (PA) Factor
The SPF only protects skin from UVB rays and to protect from UVA, sunscreen must also have PA factor. A broad-spectrum sunscreen must contain PA, label as PA +, PA ++, PA +++, PA ++++. This PA rating reflects the protection concerning sunscreen provides from UVA rays.
- PA + means some UVA protection - PA ++ means moderate UVA protection - PA +++ means high UVA protection - PA ++++ means extremely high UVA protection
So, the first step is to choose the best sunscreen and for that don't forget to remember the above- mentioned points.
Our skin not only affected from harmful UV rays but also from pollutants.
Scientific research also says that: “With the synergism of UVA and environmental urban pollutants, the oxidative damage of the skin goes over the top”.
So, it needs additional protection in the form of topical antioxidants.
Scientifically, “Topical antioxidants can prohibit and also partially oppose the UV-induced photodamage”.
The previously damaged skin and further protection from harmful pollutants can be effectively improved with the help of vitamin C, one of the great vitamin with significant antioxidant properties.
This is also evident in many research papers. There are other components like Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid, which dispense potent antioxidant actions.
Let's talk about these in little deep!
Vitamin C:
The best vitamin to counter the effects of photo ageing. It's a significant antioxidant, depigmenting, collagen enhancing and anti-inflammatory properties dispense powerful impact on reducing photo ageing symptoms.
Niacinamide: Niacinamide or vitamin B3 considerably lessens the oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species along with lowering hyperpigmentation and improving epidermal barrier function.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA): Along with retaining water content, this polysaccharide also possesses free radical scavenging properties. All together, HA retains resilience, pliability and youthfulness of the skin.
How you can get this? These days the skin care market is teeming with an astonishing product. You must have heard about this. This is nothing else but face serums.
Vitamin C serum is considered as the best serum to counter the effects of photo ageing.
As per a recent study, “A total of 20 patients use vitamin C serum on one side of the face for two weeks. After two weeks, scientists see a significant drop from 3.37 to 1.68 in photo ageing symptoms among these patients”
This refers that derma essentia vitamin c serum is very important to reverse the signs of photo ageing.
You can also look a vitamin C serum which also embedded with the added benefits of niacinamide and hyaluronic acid. This doubles the efficacy of your vitamin C serum.
How to use the serum in a regular routine?
It depends:
- If you are using vitamin C serum in the morning, then must layering it under sunscreen and then a moisturizer. - But, if you are using at night time, then apply this serum directly and left till morning.
Include this regimen and see a magnificent change in your skin.
Not only topical but the inner protection is also important. A body abundant in antioxidants and nutrients are far healthy, aids in abrogating collagen degradation, pro-collagen synthesis and protecting skin from harmful UV rays and pollutants.
“The studies also showed that vitamin supplementation efficiently protects the skin from sunburn”.
Not only vitamins but food items enriched with omega-3 acids and carotenoids are also beneficial for photodamaged skin. Same, there is some food which leads to ageing, so try to avoid them as well.
What are anti ageing foods?
- Black and Blue Berries - Oranges, Grapes, Kiwi and Lemon - Avocado and Apples - Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli - Red and Yellow Onion - Garlic and Ginger - Pumpkin, Squash and Sweet Potatoes - Soy Products - Oat Bran - Yoghurt - Olive Oil - Green Tea
So, must take care of while choosing and eating food.
These are three regimens that you should include in your daily routine to reverse photo ageing signs and to get youthful, satin-soft, radiant, flawless and hydrated skin.
Emotional Wellness
Simple Steps to Heal Yourself Emotionally
Acknowledge Your Feelings
Suppressing emotions can lead to stress and burnout. Allow yourself to feel, process, and understand your emotions without judgment.
Practice Self-Compassion
Be kind to yourself. Speak to yourself the way you would to a close friend—without harsh criticism or unrealistic expectations.
Set Healthy Boundaries
Protect your peace by saying no when necessary and prioritizing your emotional well-being over people-pleasing.
Engage in Mindful Activities
Journaling, meditation, or simply being present in the moment helps process emotions and reduce stress.
Surround Yourself with Support
Strong, positive relationships provide emotional security. Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist when needed.
Let Go of What You Can’t Control
Holding onto the past or stressing over the uncontrollable drains energy. Focus on what you can change and release what you can’t.
Engage in Self-Expression
Creative outlets like writing, painting, or music can help you process and release emotions in a healthy way.
Practice Daily Gratitude
Recognizing small moments of joy shifts your perspective, reduces negativity, and cultivates inner peace.
Prioritize Rest and Relaxation
Emotional healing requires time and rest. Allow yourself moments of stillness and recharge when needed.
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4. Add-on Tips:
- Always cover your face while going outside. - Keep yourself hydrated - Always wash your face after coming from outside - If you are a make-up person, then don't forget to clean it properly before sleeping