Can't Get a Decent Selfie? Here's How to Get the Cheekbones That'll Give You an Amazing Shot ...

By Eliza6 Comments

Selfies tend to dominate social media and chances are you’ve take your fair share of them. The thing I hate about selfies is that it’s so hard to be sure I’m getting a good angle or the best lighting. I have never taken a selfie I feel comfortable posting online. Experts say that accentuating your cheekbones can help you get a good photo anytime you try. Here’s how to get them. Snap away!

1 Use the Right Tools

I’m the kind of girl that likes to get my make-up routine done quickly so I can move on with my day. Contouring your cheekbones doesn’t have to take forever, but it’s way easier if you have the right tools. Make sure you have a couple of brushes so that you can get each job done efficiently. You’ll need a large brush for the background of your look, but smaller ones make the actual highlighting easier.

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2 Start with Blush

The first thing to do to your cheekbones is to give them some color. Start by enhancing the apples of your cheeks with your favorite blush color. Sweep it on your tops of your cheeks in an upward motion. Make sure you get both cheekbones looking the same so you don’t have a lopsided look.

3 Highlight Your Face

A highlighting product is one that reflects the light off your skin, giving you a healthy glow. You want one that gives you a dewy look, but not one that’s all sparkly and shiny. The right highlighter will be the same color as your foundation and the same formulation. That means that if you use a creamy foundation, you should also use a cream highlighter. Apply the highlighter just to your cheekbones, which is where you want all the attention.

4 Angle Your Mirror

A flat mirror might not be that great for contouring your cheekbones. You will get a much better angle by using a mirror you can tip forward a bit. This might mean applying your make-up at your vanity table or dresser instead of standing at the mirror in your bathroom.

5 Suck It in

Now, you are going to apply the bronzer, which is one of the major tools for creating enviable cheekbones. Suck your cheeks in and make a fish face. Then, brush the bronzer on the shadowy lines that appear on your face. Don’t apply any bronzer above or below this line because that will detract from the well-defined cheekbones you’re after.

6 Blend

Now you want to blend the blush, highlighter and bronzer all together. You might find that putting the highlighter on after the bronzer works better for you. Experiment to find what works best for you. Use your fingers to gently smudge the products so they blend well on your cheeks and the lines of each aren’t well-defined.

7 Take a Step Back

Now that you’re done, take a step away from the mirror and examine your work. Both cheeks should look the same and you should be able to see a symmetrical look when it comes to your make-up. If needed, make touch ups and check your work again. With time, the process will get easier and it won’t take you as long to contour your cheekbones.

Do you take good selfies? I bet you have other tips to make them turn out great! What are they?

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