7 Discontinued Beauty Products We Wish Would Come Back ...

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It's a tale as old as time: You get hooked on your favorite beauty product, and then before you know it, it's discontinued. This is one of the worst things to happen in the world of beauty, since finding your now-discontinued fave product's identical twin can sometimes be next to impossible. If only we knew to stock up on a lifetime supply ahead of time! To help pay homage to some of the most beloved discontinued beauty products, we've put together a list of the best ghosts of beauty past.

1 Thermasilk Shampoo

If you haven't tried this amazing, heat-activated shampoo, we're sorry to say you have missed out. Because the product reacted so well with heat from either your blow dryer or flat iron, your hair looked super shiny and sleek, as if you had just gotten a blow out--from heaven.

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2 Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush

Maybelline's Dream Mousse products are whipped, soft, and creamy, making for a seriously smooth beauty application. However, their blush just couldn't stand the test of time, and just after tons of girls fell in love with it's dreamy consistency, it was taken off the market. No other cream blush has quite come close to Dream Mousse since.

3 Maybelline Lash Stylist Mascara

A mascara wand that's a comb instead of a brush? Brilliant! This wand individually coated and separated each lash for an even distribution of product for long, lengthy lashes. Oh Maybelline, bring this winner back and make our dreams come true!


Maybelline Lash Stylist Mascara was one of the most beloved beauty products of the 2000s. It was a revolutionary mascara wand that featured a comb instead of a brush. This design made it easier to evenly distribute product onto each lash for a long, lengthy look. The individual bristles on the wand were coated and separated for a more precise application.

The Lash Stylist Mascara was a hit with beauty lovers everywhere, and it quickly became a cult favorite. Unfortunately, it was eventually discontinued and beauty lovers everywhere have been wishing for its return ever since.

Those who had the chance to use the Lash Stylist Mascara know just how amazing it was. Not only did it give lashes a long, full look, but it also lasted all day without flaking or smudging. It was the perfect mascara for those who wanted to look their best all day long.

The Lash Stylist Mascara was a true classic, and it's a product that beauty lovers everywhere would love to see come back. Maybelline, if you're listening, please bring this winner back and make our dreams come true!

4 Rave Hairspray

We're not sure if Rave has been discontinued so much as it's just next to impossible to find, but that product kept our hair in check like no other. About to go out for a long night of dancing? Your curls wouldn't even think about budging with a few bursts of spray. Come to think of it, the amount of pollutants Rave users put into the ozone probably contributed to the 'hottest year on record", so its discontinuation probably isn't the end of the world. Or--you know what we mean.


Rave Hairspray was a popular product among many women, especially those who wanted to keep their curls in place while dancing. The aerosol hairspray was known for its strong hold and its ability to keep even the most stubborn curls in place. Unfortunately, it is now hard to find and may have been discontinued. Unfortunately, its use also had a negative environmental impact, as aerosol hairspray is not eco-friendly. Despite this, many women still miss the product and wish it would come back on the market.

5 Maybelline Wonder Finish

Jeez, a lot of these products are from Maybelline aren't they? What gives? In any event, Wonder Finish went on as a liquid, and dried as a smooth powder. It was as if some sort of beauty sorecery was happening right in front of your eyes. There are a few liquid-to-powder products out on the market now, but Wonder Finish was a true winner.

6 Bonne Bell Lip Smackers

Bonne Bell recently announced that it will no longer be in operation, although their Lip Smackers will still be sold in Asia, Australia, and Europe. What will the rest of us do without our Dr. Pepper or Watermelon lip balm that we definitely wanted to take a bite out of at one point or another (OK, each and every time we applied it)?

7 Bath and Body Works Country Apple

OK, maybe this stuff made you smell like an apple orchard in a "Hey, you overwhelmingly smell like an apple orchard" kind of way, but we've got to admit, we were totally sold on this stuff. Whether it was your body lotion, hand wash, or body spray, you could smell like an apple all day long. We hope an apple a day didn't keep the boys away...

Well, there you have it: some of the best beauty products that have gone off to the cosmetic cemetery. While they may no longer be easily available, they'll still forever be in our hearts. Rest in peace, beauty discontinuations. What are some of your favorite discontinued beauty products?

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