DIY Spa at Home for Girls Needing to Relax ...

By Deeceebee

DIY Spa at Home for Girls Needing to Relax ...

You don’t have to make much effort to have a DIY spa at home. With a few (very simple) DIY skills and few inexpensive ingredients, it’s actually easier than you think to pamper yourself and get that spa feeling. I’ve got three recipes here for a body scrub, face mask, and bath soak which is really all you need. You can make it better by creating the spa atmosphere in your bathroom with some candles, some soft music, and maybe even a glass of wine, or your favorite beverage. It’s so easy that you’ll probably want to create a DIY spa at home right away. Do the body scrub first, then put on the face mask while you soak in the tub. I’ve picked DIY recipes that are suitable for most.

1 Body Scrub

This homemade lavender coconut body scrub will get off all that dead and dry skin and leave your skin with a dewy glow. This recipe makes 8oz, so you can keep it in a tight-lidded jar for 2 months. You need:
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup unrefined coconut oil
¼ cup sugar in the raw (aka turbinado sugar)
2-4 tbsp dried lavender
To make, mix all the ingredients together until combined. Put into a jar and use as required.
You’ll get better results if you dry body brush first.

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2 Face Mask

This homemade all-natural chocolate face mask works wonders on tired skin and also smells divine. The oatmeal gently removes dead skin, while moisture is restored by the honey and cream. You need:
⅓ cup cocoa powder
2 tbsp heavy cream
¼ cup honey
3 tbsp oatmeal
To make, combine all the ingredients and mix until well blended. Put in the refrigerator until cool. Apply to clean skin and leave on for 10 minutes while you’re in the bath.

3 Bath Soak

For this homemade tea bath soak you need a piece of muslin, loose leaf tea (or rip open a tea bag) some essential oil and some string. The best types of tea are green, chamomile, mint, or any herbal tea. Good oils are Rosemary, peppermint, lavender, rose, eucalyptus, rosemary, and cinnamon. To make, put the tea leaves in a bowl and add about 10 drops of essential oil. Put the leaves into the muslin and pull it together and tie with a piece of string. Drop it into your hot bath.

Enjoy! You are beautiful from the inside-out and the outside-in.

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