7 Essential Beauty Products for College ...

By Eliza

If you recently graduated high school and are getting ready to head out into the world, you might be wondering which beauty products for college are your best choices. Dorm rooms are tiny and you aren’t going to have the space to collect an entire drug store's worth of cosmetics and other products. You will need to pare down your routine and collection so you have what you need the most, but aren’t taking up all the extra space in your dorm. Check out this list of beauty products for college and you’ll be well on your way to being ready.

1 Basic Make-up

Basic Make-upI know how fun it is to try a new look whenever you feel like it, but one of the most essential beauty products for college is a small cosmetics bag filled with your necessities. You’ll probably be in a rush to get to class each day and you’ll want to be ready to go quick when it’s time to hang out with your friends. Take the things you’ll need to create your everyday look and then toss in a couple things for a night out. There, you’re all set!

Frequently asked questions

2 Lotion

No girl should ever skip applying lotion everyday so don’t forget to pack a bottle to take with you. Lotion is essential for keeping your skin hydrated and looking young and refreshed. Slather it on after a shower while your skin is still damp. Keep it handy in your dorm room so you can put some on anytime you need it. You’ll be glad you have it!

3 Body Wash

I’ll let you in on a secret. Most dorms have shared bathrooms so take your own bottle of body wash. That way you have the kind you like best and you won’t be stuck using the icky stuff someone else left behind. Write your name on it and carry it back and forth so no one else helps themselves leaving you with just an empty bottle.

4 Hair Accessories

Obviously, you’ll have a comb, brush, shampoo and conditioner with you, but don’t forget your hair accessories. You don’t need millions, but chances are you’ll want to throw your hair up when you run to class or while you study, so a few hair elastics and some barrettes will surely come in handy. A couple of headbands can’t hurt either.

5 Acne Products

You might be a college student now, but that doesn’t mean that your acne days are over. If you suffer from the condition, be sure you take all your products and medications with you so that you can keep up with them. Many adults get breakouts and it wouldn’t be convenient to find yourself without your products when that happens. Keep them handy so you can get to them as needed.

6 Styling Tools

They won’t take up a ton of space and you’ll be glad to have a blow dryer at least. If you use a straightening iron or curling iron, pack them too. College is a huge change and having to overhaul your entire look will make it that much harder. Make sure you have a good comb and brush too.

7 First Aid Kit

There’s nothing beautiful about injuries, am I right? They bleed, they hurt and they can be hard to cover up. Carry your first aid kit so that if you do get a minor injury in your dorm room, you can clean it and cover it quickly to help it heal fast without leaving behind a noticeable scar.

What do you plan to take to college? This list is by no means comprehensive, but is just a few of the most important things. Remember, there are stores where you’re going and you can always run out and get more of what you need. Do you have any other college packing tips to share?

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