By Alison • 3 Comments
Some beauty products for women are aimed at a particular age group; for example, a teen won't need to use an anti-aging cream. But there are plenty of beauty products that women of all ages can use. Some of the products that your mom or grandmother uses can work for you just as well. Try these beauty products for women of all ages …
One of the beauty products for women of all ages is this iconic cream. It's a great choice for perking up tired and dull skin - I've used it, and it works. Beauty Flash Balm is loved by women of all ages, from those in their 20s to women of 60+. It can be used as a makeup base and even as a mask. Buy some for your mom - and borrow it!
Your skin can be sensitive whatever your age, so you need a gentle cleanser that will remove all your makeup without being too harsh. If you like a cleanser that you wash off, this could be a good one for you.
Blusher is a great tool for women of all ages to brighten up their skin tone, and here is one you can use whether you're young or more mature. It's especially good if you don't have the natural flush of youth any more! 'Pretty Pink' is a warm baby pink that will suit you, your mom and your grandmother, so don't keep this lovely product to yourself!
As you get older, lipstick can start to bleed into the tiny lines around your mouth. A lip stain can be a good way of dealing with this problem, as it's lighter than a lipstick. But it's not just for older women; younger women will love this versatile product as well. It's ideal if you want a light wash of color on your lips. Since it can be used for lips or cheeks, it's a handy product to pack when you're traveling.
Powder eyeshadows can be a bit of a problem when you're older, as they settle into creases. This eye color gives a pearlised sheen, which is perfect if you're older. Of course, you don't have to be more mature to use it. It's ideal for women of all ages and comes in five soft neutral shades.
Who doesn't love Touche Eclat? Sometimes it's worth spending more on a good product, and this product is loved for a reason. It's just what you need to deal with any fine lines, or dark circles. Touche Eclat is so popular that YSL are now making a foundation in the same range.
Finally, whatever your age, exfoliation will get rid of dead skin cells and show new, fresher skin. But if your skin is mature or sensitive, you don't want to use an exfoliant that's too harsh. This Dior product should suit women of any age.
There are so many products that can be used by women of different age groups. Don't think that a product isn't suitable for you because you associate it with a different age group. The important thing is whether it suits your skin. Do you love any beauty products that your mom or grandmother uses?