Phenomenal Tips Girls with Chubby Thighs Will Appreciate This Summer ...

By Neecey14 Comments

Phenomenal Tips Girls with Chubby Thighs Will Appreciate This Summer ...

Thigh gap? Are you kidding me? Instead of worrying about the space between my thighs I'm more concerned about them chafing! You don’t have to have thunder thighs to suffer chafing. Especially during the warmer months. Fun summer activities can be a right bummer – wearing bathing suits, excessive walking while sightseeing on vacation, sweat, moisture, outdoor activities, dresses, and athletic gear like bicycle seats and wetsuits. Uh! All a pain. Here’s some ways to deal:

1 Use Lubricating Balm to Ease the Painful Friction

hair, clothing, black hair, leg, gravure idol,One of the best ways to keep your thighs from chafing is to invest in a good quality, well-reviewed lubricating balm. Most of the products look kind of like stick deodorants, and by rubbing the stick on the areas of your legs that usually chafe together and become painful, you can build a protective layer that helps to prevent your skin from becoming sore. For something as important as this, it really pays off to spend a little extra and get one of the better-branded balms.

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2 Use Spray Lubricant for Added Water Protection

A balm stick will be just fine for going on an extended walk, but if you want to get up to come more extensive activity like running or cycling, then you might want to opt for a more heavy duty product like a spray lubricant that boasts extra water protection properties. Most spray-ons are a great non-greasy alternative that are resistant to both sweat and external moisture.

3 Wear Boy Shorts to Stop the Contact in the First Place

This is a super simple tip that can save you a whole heap of chafing pain later on. Buy a few pairs of tight fitting boy shorts that you can wear underneath your clothing, and these shorts will ensure that your thighs don’t rub together in a painful way whilst at the same time not affecting the look of your outfit at all! You can pick up boy shorts like these from any good department store.

4 Wear Breathable Fabric to Give Your Thighs the Best Chance

Sure, the boy shorts are a great idea, but an even better idea is to invest in a few pairs of dainty lace shortlettes that you can wear underneath your everyday clothing. What makes the lace shortlettes an even better option than boy shorts is that they are made of a material that is extremely breathable; therefore there will be a far smaller risk of sweat build up in your thigh area when going about your daily business.

5 There’s anti-Chafe Spray for the Seriously Sporty

If you are looking to up another level in protection, then think about buying a good quality anti-chafing spray that you will find either online or in any good quality sports store. These kind of heavy duty sprays are designed for activities that might involve wearing a tight wetsuit or going on a really long bike ride, but there is nothing to stop you from wearing it on a normal day if you want the best protection available.

6 There’s Coconut Oil for Those Who Want All Natural

If you want to be careful about what chemicals you are putting on your skin, then you can’t go wrong with all natural, non-greasy coconut oil. The product will give you the kind of friction ease that you need for your thighs, and you will smell amazing at the same time!

7 Diaper Rash Cream Isn’t Just for Babies!

After all, products for little ones are amongst the most skin friendly and chemical aware on the market, right!? If you happen to be struggling with some uncomfortable chafing, then head for the baby care aisle and pick up some diaper rash cream, it will sooth you in all of the right places!

8 Get YOURSELF Some BandElettes

Typically priced around $15 online, you can find these cute thigh covers anywhere. Help up by a silicone lining so they don't slide down, and a super sexy lacy outside look, you don't have to worry if these accidentally get seen under your dress or skirt.

9 Treat Chafing You Already Have

Sometimes chafing is inevitable. So to prevent further discomfort, you need to treat your current situation. Vasaline, a mild soap so as not to irritate the skin, and if the burn is bad, use an antibacterial cream to prevent infection.

10 Talcum PowDer Might do the Trick

Chafing is caused by too much friction between the skin along with the moisture from sweat. One way to combat this is by using talcum powder (aka baby powder) or alum powder such as Anti Monkey Butt. You'll smell great, wick away moisture, and hopefully prevent some of that chub rub you've experienced and dreaded up to this point.

I’m definitely going to try some of these. And when the chafing sets in, just remember, your thighs touching puts you one step closer to being a mermaid so who's the real winner?!

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