How Important Are Your Looks?


How Important Are Your Looks?
How Important Are Your Looks?

Have you ever wondered how your clothes influence the way people see you? Well, this social experiment was done in order to see just how much an outfit can change a man (or a woman).

In it, a man dressed in shabby clothes is sprawled out on the ground, asking for help, but no one stops to talk to him or ask him if he's okay. However, when a man in a nice dress shirt and tie does the same thing, everyone rushes over to see if he's okay.

Unfortunately, your looks matter to certain people. But that doesn't mean that you should let looks matter to you.

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I almost cried by this, humanity is messed up nowadays...

I love this topic. Majority still carry the votes tho. People will be people

Damn this was so sad. Shed a few tears. People can be so mean.

Thats not so nice , its heart breaking how some ppl judge others by money or looks

@Scarlet thank you!

Wow that's sad...

Goodness welcome to the real world peeps! Lots of people will be into looks but confidence is key but lets call a spade a spade some peeps will always be superficial and there is nothing wrong with that and afterall there is no such thing as an ugly woman just a lazy one so look after you and don't worry about it.

That's real crazy, people judge others based on how they look

You guys are all so right 🙁

@peony blue you're right.humans are visual creatures after all