10 Random Beauty Tricks You Didn't Know about ...


10 Random Beauty Tricks You Didn't Know about ...
10 Random Beauty Tricks You Didn't Know about ...

Beauty Tricks are plenty in this day and age aren't they? It might seem like every time you turn around, there's some different beauty tricks out there right? Well ladies, I got some of the best beauty tricks that I have tried myself!

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1. Olive Oil Makeup Remover

Olive oil is one of my favorite oils in the whole world. There are a ton of uses for it and a ton of beauty tricks that you can use it for! For example, you can use olive oil as a makeup remover! Just dab a bit on a cotton ball and use it to get your eye makeup off – it's better than anything I've ever used!

2. Coconut Oil Conditioning Treatment

One of the other all natural beauty tricks that I use all of the time to keep my tresses in check is coconut oil. Not only can you leave it in overnight for a really deep conditioning treatment, but you can use it instead of your conditioner sometimes too! It's all natural and so healthy!

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3. Curly Eyelashes

If you're looking for super dramatic and curly eyelashes, you might want to try using your hairdryer to heat up your eyelash curler a little. Just for a few seconds and then curl up your lashes and see how dramatic they are! I promise, it'll make a huge, huge difference and it's totally one of the beauty tricks that I use everyday!

4. Secrets to Full Lips

Plumping up your lips is super easy if you know how to do it right! It can be as simple as just dabbing on your clear gloss in the center of your bottom lip to make them look fuller. Also, make sure to keep your lips completely hydrated – it'll make 'em look super full and luscious!

5. Applying Blush

There are tons of different types of blushes out there and if you're looking for the right blush that you can apply to make your skin type, I've got the low down! If you have really dry skin, try a cream blush. If you have really oily skin, go for a gel formula! It'll make all of the difference ladies!

6. Tame Eyebrows

Mascara is something that makes our eyelashes look absolutely beautiful, but did you know that you can actually use clear mascara to keep those little eyebrows in check? For me, this is a must! It's a great and portable way to make sure that your eyebrows look beautiful all the time!

7. Natural Acne Clearer

If you're looking for a way that you can clear up some of your pimples, have you ever tried honey? Just dab a little bit on whatever zit is ruining your day and watch it clear up! Honey will extract that oil and leave you looking beautiful!

8. Clear Polish

Let's say that you spent the last two hours painting your nails the perfect shade. Ladies, if you don't protect that color with a top coat of clear polish, it'll end up chipping way sooner than if you had taken the extra time! Painting up your nails in a clear coat can actually make your shade last about three days longer!

9. Baby Powder Uses

For those days that you don't feel like getting' in the shower and washing your hair, just sprinkle a little bit of baby powder in your hair and it'll soak up all of the oil! You can also use baby powder to keep from chaffing and also to keep your body smooth! Personally, I love, love, love baby powder, it's so smooth!

10. Dryer Sheets for Frizz

I have a huge problem when it comes to frizzy hair. It just seems to happen and the static that goes with it? It's so annoying! What I do now is just rub a dryer sheet over my head after I straighten my hair and it's fixed! Seriously ladies, it makes a huge difference!

Finding the right beauty tricks that actually work isn't easy. These beauty tricks are some that I've tried – so I know that they work! What tricks of the trade do you ladies use everyday? How do you keep your hair looking so shiny, your makeup looking perfect? Come on, share!

Top Photo Credit: mela.de.gypsie

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