5 Reasons You Should Have Shea Butter in Your Beauty Routine ...


5 Reasons You Should Have Shea Butter in Your Beauty Routine ...
5 Reasons You Should Have Shea Butter in Your Beauty Routine ...

It’s something that you have probably seen on the bottles and tubs of lots of different beauty and skin care products over the years, but do you actually know what the benefits of shea butter are? The name in itself definitely conjures thoughts of creamy moisturisation and luxury, and I’m sure that you already own a bunch of things that contain it, but it’s always good to know exactly what positives you are getting from your products, right? Here are five of the key reasons you should have shea butter in your beauty routine.

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1. Head to Toe

The great thing about shea butter is that you really can use it from head to toe! You can use it on your hair, you can use it on your lips, your skin, and you can even make wonderful homemade sugar scrubs using it as a base. When it comes to shea butter, the possibilities are endless!

2. Moisturising

As I hinted in the intro, you can’t do much better than shea butter if you want to get maximum moisture into your skin. If you live in a place that has lots of weather changes that can make your skin dry, then shea butter should be regarded as your new best friend. It contains tonnes of natural oil that can be absorbed by the skin to make it as soft and hydrated as it can possibly be.

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3. Sustainable

The majority of shea butter that is available in stores has the ethical advantage of being sustainably sourced. There is a great community trade programme in place for many of the countries and regions that boast shea butter production as one of their main livelihoods and exports. It is one product that you can feel proud and secure in having bought, without having to think about the environmental and ethical repercussions.

4. Life Changing

In many cases, places like the Body Shop, for example, pay a premium on importing their shea butter in order to enhance and empower the lives of the women who generally make it in underprivileged countries. The money that is paid by brands and companies for shea butter across the world can help to do things like build schools and other important buildings for communities in need, as well as facilities like health centres and access to safe water.

5. Vegan

If you are trying to go completely plant based in this modern age, then shea butter is a great option because it is completely vegan. Not only is it perfect for your skin and all the other parts of your body, but you can also use it with complete assurance and comfort that it is 100% animal byproduct free.