You're beautiful. Your selfies will prove that, as long as you take them the right way. Of course, according to Allure, there are a few mistakes you've probably been making. If you want to look your best in the future, take these tips into consideration:
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1. You're Not Playing to Your Angles
Your pose is the most important part of your selfie. Remember to "keep your chin down and the camera up." That way, the phone will flatter your face.
2. You're Taking Only One Selfie
If you want a great picture to upload to Instagram, you need to take plenty of them that you can choose between. Don't worry, because you can delete all of the bad ones later. There won't be any evidence of them.
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3. You're Making a Weird Face
It's time to retire your duck face. Instead, you should "inhale just as you hit the shutter for lightly parted lips and a relaxed expression."
4. You're in the Dark
You'll look your best in natural light. However, if you're stuck in a dark room, Snapchat has a flash feature for the front-facing camera. It'll make you look better than Instagram will.
5. You're Not Using a Timer
It's hard to get a good picture of yourself while holding your phone in the air. That's why you should place your phone down, set a timer, and run in front of the camera.
6. You're Not Using a Filter
There's nothing wrong with using a filter to make yourself look as pretty as possible. Even celebs do it. You should, too.
7. You're Using Too Many Filters
You don't want to buy apps that allow you to alter your face. You don't need to be photoshopped. If you play around with your image too much, you'll end up looking fake.
8. Powder
No one likes looking at a selfie to see they're a shiny/sweaty hot mess. Using powder in your T-Zone will help take the shine out of your face helping you look your best.
9. Not Checking the Reflection
We've all seen the pictures of the hazards of not checking our backdrop before taking a selfie. Make sure you check yours because there just might be something there to ruin the entire pic.
10. The Right LIght
Playing up natural lighting can be hugely in your favor. It's easy to use the sun or even window light to brighten your frame without the harshness of bulb lighting. And remember... 1-2 hours before sunset is the golden hour where natural light will be at it's best!
My Instagram is @hollyyrio. What's yours?
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