7 Shocking Oriental Beauty Ideals You Would Not Believe ...


Oriental culture is fascinating, don’t you think? The architecture and way of life is interesting and the food is to die for. As with any culture, the people who live in Oriental regions have their own set of beauty ideals that may differ greatly from other parts of the world. While we might not understand them, the Oriental population have some shocking beauty ideals that you might not believe. Who are we to judge though? Here are some that you might understand and others that are probably going to blow your mind.

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1. Face Shrinking

The Japanese people have invented a sauna mask that is designed to shrink the wearer’s face. It works by covering the face, except for the eyes and ears. The idea is that the heat from the mask induces heavy sweating and reduces the size of the face. The results are likely temporary, but could give you the slim face you want for a special occasion.

2. Teeth Molds

You’d think everyone would want straight, white teeth, right? Not so in some Oriental circles. In fact, some people wear a mold that gives them the appearance of having a snaggletooth. Beauty definitely changes from place to place, doesn’t it? The molds snap onto your real teeth and can change up your look when you want them to.

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3. Double Eyelid

Did you even know such a thing existed? The Caucasian eyelids are apparently a coveted thing in some Oriental cultures. I’m not sure why because I think Asian girls are gorgeous. But, for those that want the double eyelid look comes the eyelid trainer device. It’s worn like a pair of eyeglasses and it is supposed to train your eyelids to get bigger every time you blink.

4. Young Looking Cheeks

We all want to look young and fresh and the Oriental women are no exception. In fact, many of them use anti-aging cheek stretchers. They are worn for about 15 minutes per day and are supposed to eliminate wrinkles and keep the cheeks looking line free. The stretchers are reusable and machine washable.

5. High Nose

Many Oriental women want a nose that sits higher on their face. I guess I don’t understand the need to change your nose because I have never seen one that was so awful that it should be different. However, for women who want to lift their nose is the handy High Nose Beauty Lift device. It’s worn on the face and is supposed to reshape the nose so it looks perky and high. Would you try it?

6. Bagel Head

Who doesn’t love a bagel, right? The Oriental love them so much that having a bagel shape on the forehead is a growing beauty trend. It’s achieved by having saline injections in the forehead to create the bagel shape. The look is about extreme body modification, which is popular in some Oriental cultures. The look is temporary and will fade after several hours.

7. Long Legs

Long legs as a beauty ideal aren’t shocking, but the lengths that many people will go to to get them is. In China, some people have undergone leg lengthening surgeries where metal rods are placed in their legs so they appear taller. Height is a beauty ideal that many cultures understand, but using such drastic measures to get there is shocking to some people.

Are you shocked? Would you do any of these things?

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

And, excuse me, but eyelid surgery for a person of Asian descent is NOT always about trying to achieve Caucasian eyes. Maybe that reason speaks to SOME people, but it is very much not the only or primary reason. As much as I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and not blame you for your ignorance, I can't help wondering how you were brought up to think. There seems to be a few possibilities. You either did terrible research and the information in this article are taken from other awfully written articles, or you've internalized these racist perceptions from mainstream American culture.

i'm not even going to harp on the other stuff, but double eyelids are not 'Caucasian' eyelids. there are plenty of Asians (East, South East, South, and so forth) with double eyelids, as do many other races. i agree with some of the other commenters: you may think you're being open-minded and all with this, but you just come off as incredibly ignorant. and the bagel head thing was a short lived trend in Japan only, never a beauty 'ideal'. please do your research first.

The word oriental is not necessarily offensive but to imply that there is be only one Asian culture is insensitive. It's like saying that there is no cultural difference between an American, a Norwegian and a New Zealander, just because they're all white.

I am shocked yes. How vain can you get ? Physical beauty is nothing compared to the person inside. If you have a brain and a half decent personality you're over half way there. There is no such thing as perfection as everyone's perception of beauty is entirely different. Play on your strong points and give up on trying to look "perfect"!

Ok- I thought about it overnight and read a few articles. I think the main reason why people are complaining is that the term oriental is Eurocentric and highly alienating for an Asian American like me. The word itself casts "orientals" as foreigners, exotic and bizarre... The article's wording also enforces this. People also may feel it generalizes "orientals" as a whole rather than a set of races with different beliefs and culture. (Again, that the culture is somehow odd or bizarre just because it is different from American and European cultures.) I understand that the author meant no harm, and I don't blame them. I'm just explaining why it may have felt a little offending or insensitive to readers. Hope this helps. P.S. neecey- with all due respect, people are upset for specific reasons. maybe we should try to understand each other and why we feel this way rather than brushing it off.

Just like women getting bags of plastic stuffed into their body or having their face cut open and then having the bridge of there nose sanded down. It's hard for some people to embrace themselves when everyone around them doesn't embrace them

I read and re-read this article more closely several with the intention and hope of finding some bit of politeness from the blogger, but I only felt more uncomfortable each time. There are seriously some racist snarky critiques in this article, and here are just some that I'm going to list: 1. "You’d think everyone would want straight, white teeth, right? Not so in some Oriental circles." -- What the fuck is 'Oriental circles'? How rude. 2. "Double Eyelid. Did you even know such a thing existed? The Caucasian eyelids are apparently a coveted thing in some Oriental cultures. I’m not sure why because I think Asian girls are gorgeous." -- Okay, this one is just a big fat mess. This is like saying, "OMG I LOVE your hair!" to an African American person or "OMG your Asian eyes are so cute!" 3. "Who doesn’t love a bagel, right? The Oriental love them so much that having a bagel shape on the forehead is a growing beauty trend." Sarcasm? Really? This writer is bad-mannered. The shit in this article should be added to the list of "The Things White People Say".

Recently read an article that says there are still chinese people who practice foot binding for small feet.

I feel that this article is not accurate and tries to generalize. Please keep in mind every culture has a few outliers.

I'm not Asian, nor do I know much about the different cultures within them, but I feel that this article would be offensive. I highly doubt that every "oriental" (what ever that means) have to same beauty standard and procedures done on themselves.