7 Simple Ways to Switch up Your Look without Trying Too Hard ...


7 Simple Ways to Switch up Your Look without Trying Too Hard ...
7 Simple Ways to Switch up Your Look without Trying Too Hard ...

As a women, you change your mind about your appearance more often than you should and you think of different ways to switch up your look without really changing something dramatically. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to refresh your look and bring a change into your life. After all, everything gets old with time so why not change something if you are able to do so. Here are 7 simple ways to switch up your look without going overboard.

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1. Shape Your Eyebrows

Shape Your Eyebrows Have you ever seen photoshopped pictures of celebrities without eyebrows? If you have, you probably noticed that they don’t look too good without them. Ultimately, eyebrows shape your face and eyes, having a very significant impact on your overall look. Making them full and straight, gives you an innocent look while defining an arch, suddenly gives your look more of an edge. Therefore if you are looking for simple ways to switch up your look, deal with your eyebrows!

2. Part Your Hair Differently

Part Your Hair Differently Instead of getting a haircut or dying your hair, you can spice up your appearance just by changing your part! A middle part will give your face more of a symmetrical look while a deeper side part can give you an older and mature appearance. If you are up for a change, just play with your hair and see what looks best.

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3. Accessorize

Accessorize Sometimes all we need to push our look over the threshold are some accessories. If you usually stay clear of jewelry, it would be a good idea to implement some in your daily outfit. Statement pieces can really spice up your everyday look and give more of an edge. This way you will pump up your appearance without buying a whole new wardrobe.

4. Perfect Your Posture

Perfect Your Posture Believe it or not, but posture has everything to do with your appearance. It plays a big role in the way you walk and sit. For example keeping your shoulders slightly back and your back straight can exude confidence and really change how other people view you.

5. Incorporate New Hair Tricks

Incorporate New Hair Tricks Another way to deal with your hair without going to the salon is by getting creative. Instead of just plainly having your hair down or in a ponytail, it would be a great idea to incorporate braids and buns. These hairdos don’t require much but they give the appearance of you having put in a lot of work.

6. Leading a Healthy Diet

Leading a Healthy Diet Instead of packing on foundation, the only way you can achieve great skin is by actually dealing with the problem internally, instead of on the surface. Leading a healthy diet will not only clear up your skin but it will also help you get into the best shape you have ever been. It is all up to you!

7. Become More Organized

Become More Organized It might not seem like it but your organization skills can really be seen on your appearance. If you tend to be neat and organized with your clothes and hair, it will show and, if you tend to be messy and careless with your appearance, that will show as well. Changing your appearance will often require a change in your lifestyle, however, it all becomes worth it in the end!

We often tend to change our appearance with every season. Once one thing gets old and boring, we move to the next. However instead of dramatically going through phases every once in a while, there are simple ways to change up your look. What are some of your favorite ways to bring a change into your life?

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I agree that changing your hair part is very important

love the jacket on the first picture (brow picture). Any idea where you can find one like that