7 Steps to Beautiful Breasts for Summer ...


7 Steps to Beautiful Breasts for Summer ...
7 Steps to Beautiful Breasts for Summer ...

Beautiful breasts for summer are nearly every woman's desire! Summer time is when you start seeing more cleavage, so it only makes sense to make that cleavage as gorgeous as possible, right? I have some amazing tips for you to get the best and most beautiful breasts for summer if you keep reading my article! Breasts that are beautiful and glowy are only 7 steps away!

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1. Get a Bra

Of course we all own a bra-but I'm talking about a push-up bra! Wearing one will do wonders for your cleavage, not to mention your back! I love the support that my push-up bra gives. Not only does it look fantastic under your sundresses, but it will rock a tee out too. You'll be glad you splurged on this one!

2. Use SPF

Who wants to look at sunburned breasts during the sexiest months of the year? No one, of course! So make sure you slather on that SPF. You will get a nice tan in the safe way. Your beautiful breasts will stay younger and healthier longer, and you will avoid unsightly sunburn. Bikinis don't offer as much protection as our clothes do, so double up to be safe.

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3. Shimmerize

Anytime you are wearing a cute dress or a low-cut top, here's a quick tip for beautiful breasts; take a drop of shimmer and mix it with a dollop of body lotion. Rub that all over your chest area for a subtle sheen that will look soft and sexy all day!

4. Conceal

When I think of breasts that are beautiful, the first thing that comes to mind is NOT blemishes and zits! So naturally, it makes sense to conceal those babies! You will need a good concealer, a brush and some setting powder. Use the brush to dab on concealer where you need it, then set it with the powder. Now you will have coverage all day, but the girls can still hang out!

5. Contour

I love to use bronzing powder to give a strong effect of sexy breasts. Take your bronzing brush, and apply bronzer into your cleavage, and all over the tops of your breasts in an upside-down C motion. Don't use too much, you don't want to look fake! Use just enough to play up your features.

6. Highlight

This step to beautiful breasts often gets over-looked, but it makes such a difference when you take the time to do it! You will need a highlighting stick, or some highlighting cream. Apply it to your collarbone, along your cleavage and on the tops of your shoulders. Blend it out nicely, then watch yourself glow!

7. Check for Lumps

The very best thing you can ever do for beautiful breasts is to check for lumps. You can do it in the shower while you have soap on your hands to make it easier. Doing a self exam once a month just might save your life, or one of your breasts! Breast cancer is scary, and it's more and more common these days in younger women as well as older women.

I love summer time, and so naturally, I want my body to look its best! With these tips for Beautiful Breasts, you will have all eyes on you! Focus on these tips, and also remember to splurge on a cute bikini or bathing suit. If you want breasts that are beautiful, choose a color that compliments your skin tone! Do you ladies have any tips for beautiful breasts this summer time? Please comment below!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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