Stop Think Things to Consider before You Remove Your Pubes ...

Neecey May 4, 2015

With swimsuit season coming your thoughts will inevitably, at some point, turn to your bikini line. Should you shave or wax or leave it au naturel? Big decisions either way, but what if you are considering not stopping at the bikini line? What if you’re thinking about going the whole hog and doing a full public hair removal? Here’s what you need to think about before you plunge in with the razor or book that appointment at the salon.

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1. Assess Your Options

Though shaving may be the cheapest and fastest way to remove your pubic hair, it is far from the only option and could cause irritating razor burn. There are hair removal creams such as Nair and Veet that can effectively burn the hair away (be careful!), and there is also laser removal for those who want a more permanent solution. Permanent comes with a price however, so look around and decided which option is best for you.

2. How to Avoid Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are the horrible, itchy little bumps that can sometimes appear on the area that you have recently shaved. These are generally caused by mistakes you may have made whilst shaving. Always remember to moisturize the pubic area beforehand, do not shave too fast or over the same place too many times and always shave against the hair growth direction. Wearing loose fitting clothing for a couple of days always helps too.

3. Consider Investing in a Razor/Shaver Hybrid

Duo purpose razor/shavers are becoming increasingly popular in the modern market, and they are great for making the process as simple and straight forward as possible. Being able to trim before you go in for the close shave really speeds up the job and you end up having a lot more control over your pubic hair.

4. Research Different Waxing Terms

There is a handful of different waxing terms that all equate to different degrees of hair removal. There is a regular bikini wax which removes all the hairs outside of your panty line, then a full bikini wax which removes a little extra, than a French wax which removes everything except a small strip. Then at the other end of the spectrum there are the Brazilian and the Hollywood, which leave very little, removing hairs that you didn’t even know you had!

5. Be Prepared for Some Irritation

No matter how well you’ve prepared and how successfully you’ve shaved, there will always be the possibility of irritation. The thing to remember is that itching will only make the problem worse. Try to soothe the irritation with things like witch hazel or aloe vera, which will give you some relief without further irritating the area.

6. You Don’t Have to Remove Everything!

Just because you have seen it on the TV or in a movie, do not feel pressured in to removing more pubic hair than you personally want to. If you just want to tidy up your bikini line then that is absolutely fine, or if you are feeling a bit more adventurous and want to go all the way then that is equally fine, just as long as it is your decision and you are not trying to do it to impress somebody else.

7. Only do What Makes You Comfortable

At the end of the day, this is your body we’re talking about, not anybody else’s. You know what makes you comfortable and you know what doesn’t, so stick to your guns and only ever do what feels right for you personally. Remember, you are the one that will have to go through the irritating regrowth period of you realize you have made a mistake!

Now let’s talk pubes. Full removal or just bikini line? What’s your preference?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Full removal but it's so difficult to shave it all off aka getting in those areas and curves like damn..electrolysis is the only true permanent hair removal method, laser isn't 100% it could end up just making your hair grow thinner and you have to keep going back unlike Electrolysis but I'm not sure if they do electrolysis on the pubic area does anyone know

I leave it all. I have never been one to feel comfortable doing that, and I have someone who loves me the way I am. This is good advice for those considering it or have already done it though.

Full on Brazilian wax for me.

To avoid irritation avoid heat or sex for at least 12-24 hours and lightly was with a wash cloth and gentle cleanser to avoid irritation and ingrown hairs

My waxer told me, even laser hair removal isn't permanent & has to be repeated due to our hormones.

Sugaring all the way!

I like a nice landing strip to guide my guy in. Full on hair removal makes me feel like I'm trying to attract a pedophile!

Full bush!

Full body hair removal 🙌🙌🙌 love it!

I have a great products that will most definitely hallo with shaving pesky bumps!!!

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