You Will Love the Beauty Benefits of Rose Water ...


You Will Love the Beauty Benefits of Rose Water ...
You Will Love the Beauty Benefits of Rose Water ...

Rose water is one of the simplest products you can incorporate in your beauty routine. Fresh rose petals, water and sunlight is all you need. And as simple as it is, it has wonderful benefits you really don’t want to miss out on.

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1. Rose Water is Great for the Skin

face, beauty, black hair, skin, brown hair, One of the first reasons to use rose water is that it can work wonders for your skin. Used in various different types of skin masks, rose water can have an anti-aging effect through tightening skin pores and therefore reducing wrinkles. At the same time, it also has the property of being able to hydrate and moisturize dry and sensitive skin, all without causing any irritation.

2. Cleansing and Skin Toning

hair, human hair color, face, blond, nose, Rose water can also act as an effective skin cleanser and skin toner. It was actually the beauty treatment of choice amongst the rich and powerful in Ancient Rome who liked to take entire baths in the liquid. The general rule is that the less diluted the rose water, the stronger the benefits.

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3. An Addition to Healthy Food

hair, person, black hair, hairstyle, beauty, Rose water can also be applied to cuisine, adding a distinct and luxurious flavor to dishes that are just as healthy as the other elements of your life. Adding a few drops of rose water to a rice dish can give it an entirely new feel, and it is good to know that the liquid has other purposes outside of facial beauty treatment.

4. You Can Drink It

hair, face, eyebrow, nose, black hair, Rose water can be used to make a large number of incredibly healthy drinks. It is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, tannins and several essential vitamins including A, C, D, E and B3. A widely used recipe for incorporating rose water in to a drink is to mix some rose water syrup in to a glass of cold milk, but if you don’t do dairy then any type of alternative milk is fine.

5. Anti-Depressant Properties

hair, black hair, face, person, nose, Rose water has been found to be able to enhance your mood and help to relieve any nervous tension that you might be carrying. It is an old Persian belief that a cup of tea infused with rose water can work to calm your mind and soothe your emotional state.

6. It Can Treat Skin Infections

hair, human hair color, blond, face, eyebrow, Due to its effective anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties, rose water is regarded as an effective treatment for several different skin issues such as dermatitis, eczema and even sunburn. Gently rubbing it over the problem area can be a really easy way to improve your symptoms.

7. Give Your Vision a Boost

eyewear, hair, face, pink, nose, Many people suffer from something known as eye fatigue, which can be a very painful and life affective condition. Rose water can help with eye fatigue by being dipped in cloth and applied to your eyelids. The action makes for a wonderfully soothing and invigorating experiencing that helps to cool the eyes.

8. Acne

hair, eyebrow, face, nose, cheek, Rose water is an astringent, which means that it can be very effective in reducing redness and skin inflammation. For this reason, the liquid has long been regarded as a great natural treatment for acne. By applying rose water to the affected areas of your skin, you can ease the symptoms and even notice a positive change in scar tissue.

9. Rose Water is a Disinfectant

hair, eyebrow, face, black hair, nose, Rather than putting it on your body, rose water can also be of health benefit to you in a more practical, housebound fashion. A mixture of rose water and Epsom salts make for a great disinfectant spray for the bathroom and kitchen counters. It leaves your home super clean and with a wonderful aroma!

Did you know something so lovely and simple was so beneficial?

Here's 4 ways to make rosewater for yourself

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It's also very good for your hair.

My favourite use of rose water is in Turkish Delight. It's beautiful but it doesn't make me beautiful  ha ha ha

I'm going to make my own next summer. In the meantime, hi ho hi ho, it's off to shop I go. 

I heard about Rose water but I didn't know all of its benefits...thanks for the info/article @Neecey

Where can I get rose water?

Do you just soak rose petals in water? @NeeceyBeresford

Love it! But do you make it or buy it?

I love rose water