7 Surprising Hacks to Always Look Extraordinary in Any Picture ... Incredible


7 Surprising Hacks to Always Look Extraordinary in Any Picture ... Incredible
7 Surprising Hacks to Always Look Extraordinary in Any Picture ... Incredible

Everyone is capable of being photogenic. You just have to strike the right pose, sit under the right lighting, and make the right faces. It sounds like a lot to think about, which is why you should focus on one thing at a time. For now, here are a few tips for making faces that'll appear pretty in photographs:

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1. Turn Your Head to the Side

clothing,lady,girl,footwear,beauty, When you face the camera straight on, your face is going to look wide and unflattering. That's why it's best for you to turn your head to the side, at least slightly. You can try turning it 3/4 of the way around and then either direct your eyes toward the lens or away from it, like you don't realize the picture is even being taken. You should also keep in mind that a person's left side is typically considered to be their "best" side.

2. Elongate Your Neck

hair,face,beauty,hairstyle,photography, You don't want your picture taken when you're lounging around with your neck all scrunched up. Haven't you ever been sitting like that while on your laptop, and then saw a glimpse of yourself on the screen? It's never pretty, which is why you should elongate your neck and push your head forward during pictures. That will avoid making you look like you have a double chin.

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3. Keep Your Chin down

hair,clothing,person,woman,lady, Even though you want your neck to be elongated, you should tilt your chin slightly downward. It will make you appear more photogenic than if you lifted it up in the air. Take a selfie to see for yourself!

4. Place Your Tongue behind Your Teeth

hair,blond,hairstyle,photography,beauty, Don't be afraid to smile with teeth. Sure, close lipped smiles can look sweet, but a smile with teeth makes you really look like you're having a good time. To avoid overdoing it, you can place your tongue behind your teeth so you smile just the right amount.

5. Look Directly into the Light

hair,clothing,hat,beauty,girl, When a camera with the flash on is directed at you, you should look directly into the light. It'll stop you from looking like you have red eyes in the photograph, and it'll also make your eyes sparkle, which can make you look even more attractive than you already are.

6. Laugh

facial expression,person,photograph,woman,image, The best photos are the natural ones. Try asking a friend or family member to take pictures of you while you're in the middle of a conversation, when you're just laughing or listening to a story. If you're forcing yourself to look happy, your eyes can look squinty and your smile can look fake. But when you're laughing, your genuine happiness will transfer to the photograph. You could even try taking a video of yourself with your phone instead. That way, you can pause it on a certain frame and then take a screenshot of yourself when you're in a flattering position.

7. Examine Your Old Photos

hair,black hair,clothing,hairstyle,photography, Everyone looks good in different positions, which is why your best bet is to flip through your photo albums. Find the pictures that you think you look the best in and then compare them. Are you making the same face in all of them? If so, then that's the face you should continue to make in the future.

The more pictures you take, the more chances you'll have to figure out what faces make you look the most appealing. Do you usually make a straight face, smile, or make a duck face during photographs?

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Very practical, very cool! Thanks😎

In my opinion everyone has to find individual ways of photography. Thanks for good tips.

OK cool

Great tips! :)

Amazing tips I can't wait to try

Good to know

These are great photo tips.

Hey ! Great tips ! Btw just curious know , who is the beauty in cover photo ?

I look like a giant potato when i smile/laugh 😐😐😐😐

I prefer the left side of my face more. Don't know why, it's odd.