7 Beauty Rituals You Don't Actually Need to do to Be Attractive ...

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Even though it's important to follow through on your beauty rituals, sometimes it's hard to set aside enough time for them. While you should try to do them as often as possible, it's not the end of the world if you forget to do one once or twice. Skipping a beauty ritual shouldn't make you feel like you're unattractive. Even if you occasionally skip these beauty rituals, you're still an attractive woman:

1 Shaving

If you don't have time to shave one day, don't feel ashamed to leave the house. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of hair--everyone has it. Men don't feel obliged to shave off every inch of their body hair, so why should you? Even though you're conditioned to be embarrassed about it, you shouldn't be. You can always shave it off the next morning, anyway.

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2 Painting Nails

We all love to have freshly painted nails, but sometimes the polish will chip or the nail will break off entirely. You can't freak out when that happens, because no one is going to notice the problem anyway. So if you don't have enough time in your schedule to repaint your nails, let them stay chipped. Most women will understand your struggle.

3 Style Hair

You want to straighten your hair every single day, but if you're in too much of a rush one day, there's nothing wrong with throwing a hat on it or pushing it back into a ponytail. Most of the time, you'll end up looking like you intended to create the look instead of looking like you were forced to cover up your waves.

4 Flossing

Let's face it, most people don't do this at all. While it's important to floss as often as you can, there's nothing wrong with forgetting to do it one day. Even if you forget to brush your teeth, you can always pop a mint or a piece of gum. There are always ways to cover up your mistake.

5 Spritzing on Perfume

If you forget to put on perfume or even deodorant, don't spend the day worrying about your scent. Unless you've been sweating through your shirt, you're probably fine. Don't freak out over the situation, because others have been in your shoes.

6 Contacts

Some people loathe the way that they look with glasses and hate being seen with them on. However, if your contacts are bothering you one morning or you don't have time to put them in, you shouldn't try to hide yourself away for the whole day. You're gorgeous, whether your eyes are in full view or hidden behind glasses, so keep carrying yourself with pride.

7 Applying Makeup

If you don't have time to apply your makeup in the morning, don't be embarrassed to leave the house. You might not like the way you look without eyeshadow and lipstick, but no one else will care about the natural look. In fact, you'll probably get compliments on your pretty face.

While you don't want to make it a habit to skip any of these important routines, you shouldn't feel ugly if you forget to do them every once in a while. Beauty comes from the inside, anyway. Have you ever been embarrassed, because you've forgotten to do one of these beauty rituals?

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