How to Choose Your Perfect Eyebrow Shape ...


How to Choose  Your Perfect Eyebrow Shape ...
How to Choose  Your Perfect Eyebrow Shape ...

It seems as though the strongest and most popular beauty trend over the past couple of years is the art of eyebrow shaping. No longer are us ladies forced to deal with the boring brows that we were blessed with as children, we have the skills and the tools to be able to sculpt them in to pretty much anything that we want! However, you should be wary of doing something that isn’t going to suit you at all. Here is how to choose your perfect eyebrow shape!

The truth is that the trick is encapsulated all in one great app! The Brow Try-On Experience is an app that has been developed to allow us ladies to experiment with different styles without having to face a disaster that takes weeks to sort out!

You can test out things like different shapes, different shades, different styles and different colours to find out exactly what looks good on you and exactly what you should be avoiding! The app has a total of fifteen different eyebrow styles to choose from, and it is super customisable from anything from thickness to arches to the placement and definition of each individual brow! The best part is getting to see the brows transform your face via the technology of the selfie cam on your phone.

Here's the link you need

Of course, once you have found the perfect shape for your face, you’ll need the perfect makeup to go with it! There’s plenty of inspiration in the AWS makeup section Makeup

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Can you change an eyebrow shaping after 2 years ( done with micro blading)