7 Personality Traits That'll Make You Appear Prettier ...

By Holly26 Comments

The way your hair is styled and your makeup is done aren't the only things that determine whether or not you come across as beautiful. Your personality can have just as big of an impact on someone as your external traits do. Haven't you ever thought a guy was gorgeous until you saw his horrible personality, and then he began to look less and less attractive? Well it's the same the other way around. The more appealing your personality is, the more beautiful you'll start to look. Here are some of the positive traits that will make you seem prettier:

1 Confidence

ConfidenceIf you stand with your back straight and your head held high you'll look way more gorgeous than if you were slouching and scowling. Yes, some of this has to do with your posture, but it mostly has to do with your confidence level. The more comfortable you look in your body, the more people will enjoy looking at it. Confidence creates cuteness!

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2 Optimistic

Optimistic people are always smiling and don't look weighed down by the stress of worrying. The more positive you are, the more people will want to be around you. They'll want to look through the world with your eyes, because they'll find them so beautiful. It's an incentive to stay positive.

3 Fun-loving

The more fun-loving and lively you are, the prettier you'll look. I mean, how could you seem unattractive when you're always looking to have a good time and make someone smile? You should always be out to have fun--not only because it'll make you more likable, but because it'll make you happier.

4 Graceful

If you never stumble over your feet or your words, people will notice your eloquence. They'll look at you as someone who can do no wrong. The more graceful a person is, the classier they appear.

5 Charismatic

It's important to have a way with words. I mean, aside from body language, it's your only way to communicate with another human being. Since such a large portion of your day will involve speaking, charisma is something crucial to have. But don't fret if you're not good at socializing. Step in front of a mirror and practice until you get better. It's a trait you learn, not one that you're born having.

6 Humble

If you walk around claiming that you're hot stuff, people will be bothered by your cockiness. However, if you remain humble, people will appreciate the fact that you're so amazing and don't even act like you're better than anyone else. It's a trait that's rarely spoken about, but it's a pretty important one if you want to seem like a more beautiful person.

7 Friendly

What could possibly be more important than being friendly? When you're nice to others, then they'll never look at you and be disgusted. They'll only see someone amazing that they love spending time with--and we all know that when you love being around someone, they start to look prettier to you. So always be nice, ladies, and it'll pay off!

If you want to look beautiful, you don't have to buy an entirely new wardrobe and dye your hair. You can start by trying to be the nicest person you can be! What other personality traits have you noticed make others appear more attractive?

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