The Best 5 Natural Remedies That Will Help You Get Rid of Those Ugly Dark Circles ...


The Best 5 Natural Remedies That Will Help You Get Rid of Those Ugly  Dark Circles ...
The Best 5 Natural Remedies That Will Help You Get Rid of Those Ugly  Dark Circles ...

Dark circles are women’s worst nightmare. Whether from lack of sleep, stress, unhealthy diet, or health problems, looking like a panda on your way to work isn’t cute. If you have black Gucci bags under your eyes due to a health problem go straight to the doctor, but if it’s for other reasons here are 5 natural remedies to get rif of dark circles.

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It has been proven that raw potato juice is a natural bleaching product due to its enzymes.

Apply potato to juice under your eyes every day before you go to sleep and you will see the difference from the first week.


Almond Oil

There is two type of almond oil : the sweet one and the bitter one, for the body and face . Bitter almond oil is a great remedy for dark spots.

You can apply it at night and wash it the next morning . Also it’s good for lashes.



Because it is made of 96 % water, cucumber is the best hydration natural ingredient ever. It has a cooling effect to refresh your eyes and get rid of those ugly circles . Also cucumber acts as antioxidant to lighten the skin.



Like cucumber , tomato has an antioxidant that minimizes the pigmentation under the eyes . Also it’s a natural moisturizer that hydrates the skin under the eyes and helps clear the circles .



You can use this magical ingredient either alone or with another natural item as lemon juice or honey. It helps gently bleach the skin and reduce puffiness

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Also boil parsley, let it cool apply to dark circles.

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