7 Ways to Get Your Beauty Products for Less Money ...


I love beauty products but there is something I love even more and that is getting my beauty products for less. When you have a love affair with the latest and greatest beauty products, you have to do something to cut costs or you are going to end up spending a fortune. And really, who doesn’t want to get their beauty products for less? It is my hope that these 7 bits of advice will help you to have more money in your pocket while having more beauty products in your collection.

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Compare Prices

One of the best ways to get beauty products for less is to simply compare prices. I almost always compare prices on beauty products before buying. Recently, I wanted to purchase a tube of my favorite shade of Revlon Lip Butter. I was at Wal-Mart and looked at the price and decided to do a little research before I bought it there because I felt like I could find it cheaper. And I actually did; I found it a dollar cheaper. A dollar isn’t a whole lot if you think of it like that, but if you think about the fact that it was about 20%that I saved by comparing prices, you realize it is a decent savings.


Shop Online

I do a lot of my shopping online for beauty products. This is for the simple reason that I can generally find beauty products a lot cheaper this way. There is no one certain website that I use to shop from for beauty products, but some of my favorites include Amazon, eBay and Mac Cosmetics. I also look for promo codes when I am shopping online.


Clip Coupons

I like to clip coupons for all sorts of different things. I am not an extreme couponer but I do believe in saving a buck where I can. A lot of times you will find coupons on cosmetics and other beauty products in the Sunday newspaper. I have also found them in magazines or online. Those little savings really add up.


Take Advantage of Special Offers

It is best to take advantage of special offers on beauty products when you can. One example is when Bath and Body Works has a semi-annual sale twice a year. To the best of my knowledge, those are the best times to buy products there. So it makes sense to stock up if you use their products on a regular basis. Another example would be to purchase other products when gifts or bonuses are offered by companies such as Estee Lauder.


Take It Back

As consumers, we waste a lot of money on beauty products each year if we do not use them. A lot of times we purchase something, take it home, try it once and decide we do not like it. When that is the case, you have thrown your money away if you do not attempt to take it back. Believe it or not, there are many stores that will allow you to take cosmetics back if you have the receipt. You will just have to check each store’s individual policy.

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Trade off

This is something that everyone may not feel comfortable with. But if you have purchased a product that you do not like, you can hand it down to someone close to you instead of throwing it away. Likewise, they can do the same thing when they come upon a product they don’t care for. Of course you do not want to do this with lip products or even eye products, but it is pretty safe to do so with other cosmetics, skin care essentials, hair products and more. You could even discover a new product you love by doing this.


Sell Cosmetics

Another option is to sell cosmetics. When you do this, you typically receive a deep discount on the products that you sell. A few companies to choose from include Mary Kay, Avon and Arbonne. I have sold Mary Kay for a long time and love the deep discounts I get. The trick is to choose a product line to sell that you love.

It is always great when you can save money on beauty products. How do you spend less on beauty products? I would love to hear your secrets.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Best place to buy drug store make up WAL-MART....prices are dramatically cheaper...them ULTA

Buy beauty products from the brand's country, eg. Rimmel from London and Mac from New York! Just don't argue with customs if you're bringing back too much! Otherwise you'll encounter a massive fine or even have it confiscated :-s

Yes sephoras a good one

CVS has a great Beauty Club that gives you $5 coupon for every $50 you spend...a good reason to buy many of my beauty products at CVS...the store also has consultants who are really helpful, and don't try to sell you a particular brand...and you can't beat Ulta and Sephora too

I would also suggest joining the beauty clubs at Ulta and Sephora. Based on how much you spend they'll send you coupons.

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