Beauty Benefits of Cold Showers All Girls Will Need for Radiant Skin ...


Beauty Benefits of Cold Showers All Girls Will Need for Radiant Skin ...
Beauty Benefits of Cold Showers All Girls Will Need for Radiant Skin ...

Are there beauty benefits of cold showers? Whether you are a morning shower person or an evening shower person, one thing that we can all agree on is that none of us are ever physically or emotionally prepared for an ice cold shower! Though as humans we might prefer the warm embrace of a hot steamy shower, the hard truth is that the benefits that a cold shower can provide you are almost too good to pass up! It can be a hard decision to make, especially with the winter weather starting to rage outside, but trust me, if you take the plunge there are some great beauty benefits of cold showers that you will love.

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1. Tightens the Skin

One of the best beauty benefits of cold showers is that they help tighten your skin. As the cold water leaves the shower head and touches your skin, it has the great effect of hitting your pores and tightening them up to help them become more firm. This can help in the long term to ensure that you retain a smooth, youthful glow, and prevents your skin from becoming prematurely saggy and lifeless. Tight pores are also much less visible to the naked eye and can also reduce the risk of blemishes and breakouts.

2. Increased Metabolism

If you are on a healthy eating and dieting kick, having a cold shower can actually help to speed up your metabolism. The cold temperature essentially tricks your body into jump starting your metabolism in order to burn more energy to warm you up, and having a faster metabolism means that you are able to burn calories much more efficiently.

3. Hair Loss Prevention

Have you ever noticed just how much loose hair comes away from your head when having a hot shower? The hot water opens up your pores and follicle areas, making it easier for hair to come away. This is the opposite when having a cold shower, as your follicles will close up in the cold and the cold water can even help to promote a healthy shine and even stronger growth!

4. Improves Circulation

The better your circulation is, the healthier you will be and look. A quick spray of icy water at the end of a normal shower can work to kick start your circulation, and you will find that your skin will appear to have a much more evenly toned with fewer red spots, blemishes and blotchiness on the surface.

5. Immune System Boost

A cold shower has the power to stimulate your immune system, warding off all of those pesky seasonal illnesses that are so easy to catch.

6. Energy Boost

Along with your immune system, your energy levels can also be boosted by a cold shower. It’s a sure fire way to kick the grogginess from your head and body and get you alive and kicking, ready for the day to come!

7. Increased Focus

The shock to the system that a cold shower gives you can help to connect your mind to your body and really bring your focus and attention span back to where they should be!

Ready to flip the switch from hot to cold?

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