The older I get, the more interested I become in vanity through natural eating, and these beauty foods for women are my favorite tools for achieving flawless, radiant skin in no time. Though it may sound superficial, keeping my skin youthful and glowing is always a goal of mine, but I want to do it the right way. I’m not into buying expensive creams, lotions or retinoid treatments, and Botox is definitely out of the question when I get older. So, I rely on nature to keep me pretty, and guess what? It works like a dream with these top 7 beauty foods for women. All you have to do is eat!
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1. Blueberries
Blueberries were ranked #1 in the highest amount of antioxidants of 40 common fruits and vegetables, which makes these blue little gems one of my top beauty foods for women. Blueberries are rich in fiber, fairly low in sugar, packed with antioxidants, and are rich in Vitamin C. All of these factors make them great for your skin, hair and even your weight since they have been linked to Type 2 Diabetes prevention. Blueberries are best bought in season, or frozen all year round. Toss them in a smoothie, yogurt or whatever you want. Just eat ½ cup day to get results in no time.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of my top beauty foods for women due to its dramatic detoxifying and age-defying effects on the skin and body. It is also wonderful to use on your hair and face as a moisturizer. Interestingly enough, this oil won’t break your face out, but instead, it fights acne and moisturizes to prevent wrinkles. Coconut oil contains antiviral properties, meaning it fights bacteria on the skin and in the body. When you eat it, the oil is directly used by your body for energy, not stored as fat, so coconut oil is excellent for your metabolism and keeps you beautiful from the inside out. I like to keep a jar in my kitchen to use for eating, and another jar in my bathroom to use for my beauty needs. Use coconut oil to top sweet potatoes, oatmeal, stir into coffee, or my favorite way- into a smoothie!
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3. Salmon
This beauty foods list would not be complete without the almighty salmon, preferably wild Alaskan salmon to prevent too many toxins and farming pollutants which are found in Atlantic and Pacific salmon. Salmon is rich in Omega 3s, B vitamins, magnesium, iron and protein. It is one of the best foods to eat for weight loss, hair, skin, nails, and preventing depression. It also helps your hair grow, maintain its shine, and will make your skin glow. Salmon also has selenium, a mineral that protects the skin from sun exposure. The vitamin D in salmon keeps your bones and teeth strong and healthy, too. I love salmon in almost any form and eat it at least twice a week, usually with a large salad with tons of low starch veggies.
4. Spinach
This sweet and delicious green is such a beauty food, ladies! Most people like spinach, but aren’t even aware of how incredibly great it is for your skin, hair, and nails. This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that surge your cells with nutrients. Spinach is filled with lutein, which keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling. Spinach is also a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Add it to salads, green smoothies, steam it with some baked or grilled salmon or chicken, or mix it into an omelet. No matter how you choose to eat it, you’ll reap benefits far beyond the delicious taste of this powerful green veggie. Try to buy organic spinach when possible, since conventional is high in pesticide content.
5. Kiwis
This fruit doesn’t get near enough attention, in my opinion. Kiwi is actually a berry and incredibly cheap. It is also safe to buy in conventional form, which is even more convenient since it isn’t always available in organic varieties. At around 30 cents per fruit, kiwi is a nutritional powerhouse. It has more potassium and Vitamin C than oranges and is rich in fiber. Kiwi seeds are rich in healthy fats that nourish your skin and hair. This small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with antioxidants, which keep skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis also protect you from cancer and heart disease. Just cut off the skin with a knife, which comes off easily, and enjoy this fruit however you can. I love it paired with a banana and some coconut milk in a smoothie for a tropical treat. Kiwis are also great on salads with strawberries and walnuts.
6. Dark Chocolate
This is my favorite beauty food of all beauty foods for women. Yes, you can have chocolate every single day, and when it comes to your beauty regimen, you should! Chocolate is rich in antioxidants that nourish the skin, increase blood flow, and improve your arteries. It is a natural SPF food since it helps to prevent your skin from sun damage. It is also especially great for giving skin a youthful glow. Just be sure to choose plain, unsweetened cocoa powder if you’re using cocoa powder, and choose lower sugar chocolate bars such as bars with 80% or higher cacao content. Keep it at 1-2 ounces per day to avoid calorie overload from one source, but don't feel the need to omit chocolate altogether. This is one of the most powerful foods on the planet! An even better option would be choosing raw cacao, which is naturally sugar free and raw, meaning it retains more nutrients and is closer to its original state.Chocolate is also rich source of magnesium, iron and fiber. The fats in chocolate are actually great for your heart in small amounts too. Just be sure not to pick up the milk chocolate varieties; that’s not the good stuff we’re talking about here.
7. Sweet Potatoes
If you’re not eating sweet potatoes because you’re scared of the carbs, then you’re missing out one of the best beauty foods for women. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A, that practically makes your skin glow naturally overnight. Beta carotene is a powerful wrinkle fighter, and also a wonderful acne remedy. Sweet potatoes lower your insulin levels too, which helps to prevent blood sugar spikes. When your blood sugar spikes, it can result in acne due to hormonal fluctuations. I like having sweet potatoes with salmon and spinach for an all-around, beauty packed meal. They are also wonderful alone with a little coconut oil drizzled on top.
There are many wonderful beauty foods out there for women, and this list is certainly not exclusive. I chose foods that are easy to find, fairly reasonable in price, and don’t all have to be bought organic to reap the benefits. These are 7 powerful foods that just about anyone can find, buy and implement into their nutrition plan. They're also mostly non allergenic, so they are safe for most people on allergy friendly diets. Your entire body will thank you for eating these foods, so start today and see the benefits in no time. What are your favorite beauty foods that you consider essential?
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