7 Make-up Trends You Can Skip if You Want to ...

Eliza Mar 11, 2014

There are so many make-up trends, so it’s ok to feel overwhelmed. It’s also perfectly fine to think some of them are a bit strange. There’s no reason why you have to bow to every one of them. They’ll be ousted by something new in a few months anyway. Don’t worry – you’ll still look completely fabulous if you decide to skip these make-up trends. Feel free to contradict me or add to the list. You might just change my mind.

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1. Different Nails

Different Nails I know the style these days is to paint the ring finger different from the rest of the fingernails. And I think it looks completely awesome too! However, I don’t have the time or the patience to carry out such a thing. Don’t get me wrong – I still keep my nails painted a fab color most of the time, but they are all the same. Even if that makes me horribly unfashionable, I still think this is one of those make-up trends you can skip if you don’t feel the urge to waste all that time.

2. Yellow Eye Shadow

Yellow Eye Shadow I’m sure you’ve seen make-up palettes with loads of strange colors. To me, yellow or gold is one of the weirdest. If I put that color on my eyelids, I would look a dead person walking around. Now, if you can pull it off, then more power to you! Go for it, girl! If you don’t even want to mess around with giving it a try – then don’t. That’s fine too. You can join me in admiring the girls who can do it justice.

3. Fake Eyelashes

Fake Eyelashes Again, go for it if you want to, but don’t feel bad if you don’t. I cannot for the life of me get fake eyelashes on evenly. I look like a bug crawled up my face and died there, legs in the air. Plus, I don’t have the time to carefully get them to stick. If you’re the same, don’t worry. A couple of coats of great mascara can widen your eyes and darken the lashes you already have.

4. Lip Art

Lip Art It’s like fake tattoos for your lips. Lip art comes in a huge variety of styles, colors and patterns, so you pretty much have the pick of anything you want. Call me crazy, but I don’t think I could function with stickers on my lips. How would you eat or drink? Plus, they just don’t look all that comfortable. They might look trendy and cool, but this is one I’ll be skipping.

5. Caterpillar Eyebrows

Caterpillar Eyebrows They might be all over the fashion runways, but this is simply a look I could never pull off. Plus, I think it just makes people look angry. Frida Kahlo might have made it famous, but that doesn’t mean we all have to jump on the bandwagon.

6. Thick Eyeliner

Thick Eyeliner Perhaps a little demonic? Really thick eyeliner might look great on some people, but I’m not one of them. Too much and I look like something straight out of your worst nightmare. I think a touch of eyeliner on your top lid is classy and beautiful, but spreading it on thick on both top and bottom is a little too much for my tastes.

7. Bedazzled Lips

Bedazzled Lips I’m all for glittery lip gloss, but the new trend that literally coats the lips in big thick chunks of confetti or glitter is a bit bizarre. Much like lip art, it would be virtually impossible to eat a meal or get a drink of water. Plus, it can’t be very comfortable to have all that stuff stuck to your lips. It’s perfect for the runway, but in real life, it’s not that doable.

What strange make-up trend do you plan to skip? If you use any of the above, feel free to let me know how you make it work.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Lol I was born with caterpillar eyebrows! Yay I don't have to pluck anymore!

I think the lip ones are ugly regardless

how can you not have the time to paint two finger nails in a different color? That's still only ten nails to paint, right?!

I feel as though the article is basically things that dont work for the writer so is a general no no for the rest of the world. Plain stupid honestly.

This is stupid as hell

She said trends you can skip if you "want to" shes just trying to say its ok not to feel pressured to follow every trend. I'm always being told makeup artists have to wear false lashes so i buy them ,but honestly I'm not really a fan. I like the article better than some articles that say "ten makeup trends you must follow!" And then you waste your time and cash..

I really like the accent nail! I polish 2 nails instead of one...also, I think the trick to wearing yellow/gold eyeshadow depends on your skin tone...if you have yellow or olive undertones, especially with fair skin, it will make you look washed out. I wear 2 different hues of gold eyeshadow that look beautiful on my skin.

How can you possibly justify stating gold eyeshadow is one of the "weirdest" options?! Yellow, yes. Gold.... That just sounds flat out ridiculous! I swear to god a monkey just sits behind a desk and writes some of these absurd columns sometimes!

ouch! some people are just born with caterpillar eyebrows and I don't think they would appreciate you grouping it with Frieda Kahlo...

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