7 Tips for the Ultimate Night of Pampering ...


7 Tips for the Ultimate Night of Pampering ...
7 Tips for the Ultimate Night of Pampering ...

Everyone needs a night to relax at one point or another. You may be in school and stressed out over a big paper or exam week. You could even be working and dealing with a bigger workload than normal. No matter what’s causing you stress, you deserve a pamper night! Here are some of my best tips for the ultimate pamper night. I guarantee that when you’re done you’ll feel absolutely refreshed! You may even feel like an entirely new person!

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Use Your Favorite Products

Use Your Favorite Products If you’re going for the best pamper night ever, why shouldn’t you treat yourself to your absolute favorite products? Even if it’s a little bit of splurge, pamper nights only happen once in a while, so you might as well make it as enjoyable as possible!


Make Sure You’ve Covered Your Bases

Make Sure You’ve Covered Your Bases Get prepared to pamper yourself in every aspect possible. Get a facemask you know you’ll love. Have your favorite lotion on hand. Pick out a nail polish to paint your finger and toenails. There are so many different layers and aspects of a pamper night; don’t let any part of your relaxing night go forgotten!


Exfoliate and Moisturize

Exfoliate and Moisturize A lot of times, when it comes to pamper nights, girls will just throw a bath bomb into the bath and call it good. However, if you want to really feel refreshed and rejuvenated, don’t just relax in the bath. Instead, exfoliate your skin, and when you get out, lather up with a great lotion. You’ll feel like a brand new person!


Make a Night out of It

Make a Night out of It We all live such busy lives that I think a lot of us (myself included) want to act like we’re devoting time to ourselves by having a quick little bath and calling it good. However, for your own mental health and relaxation, make a night out of it. Don’t tell yourself that you have too much going on and have to go to the next thing. Put your life on pause and spend a night treating yourself!


Prepare Your Netflix Queue in Advance

Prepare Your Netflix Queue in Advance Whether or not you’re someone who likes to watch a little bit of Netflix in the bath, there’s nothing like taking some time out of your day to relax in front of a Netflix show you’ve been dying to watch for a while. Even if you don’t love watching Netflix while in the bath (some prefer to keep pamper nights a technology-free zone!), Netflix is always a nice, quiet way to end a relaxing night.

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Do a Lush Cocktail

Do a Lush Cocktail I don’t know if this is a new thing or if people have done this long before the Internet, but Lush cocktails are something that are so easy to come up with now that YouTube’s around. There are thousands of Lush cocktail recipes on the Internet that will make your pamper night an absolute breeze!


Keep Something Comfy on Hand

Keep Something Comfy on Hand After you’ve had your luxurious bath, keep a robe or pair of comfortable pajamas on hand to continue the relaxation even after you’ve gone to sleep. Is there anything more relaxing than crawling into something cozy and warm?

What is your favorite way to have a pamper night? Do you follow any of these steps? Leave your own tips in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

thanks for such great tips.

Wow! I've been missing out on life, I've never had a pamper night.

Same I've never had a pamper night

I loooove curling up with a good book when I have some time to myself. Thank You for this article. It is very helpful.

What movie is number 4 from?

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