15 Great Ways to Look Fabulous over 50 ...

Jennifer Nov 27, 2023

15 Great Ways to Look Fabulous over 50 ...
15 Great Ways to Look Fabulous over 50 ...

Want some ways to look fabulous at 50+? Thankfully we don't need to have the income of an A-lister to look brilliant - irrespective of whatever decade we were born in and this article, hopefully, should help you make the very most of what Mother Nature has endowed you. Here are some ways to look fabulous at 50+.

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1. Make Informed and Sensible Lifestyle Choices

These include losing weight where necessary (but not too much), dealing with stress effectively, avoiding yo-yo dieting, not consuming too much sugar, which can be VERY aging, and saying no to smoking, which does your looks no favours at all! Sounds like a lot? Maybe so, but your body will undoubtedly thank you for it and so will your reflection! This is one of the best ways to look fabulous at 50+.

2. Regular Health Checks Are Essential as We Get Older

So don't forget to have your eyes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked at medically recommended intervals. Regular dental check-ups are another essential as we age. For one, our tooth enamel tends to thin as we get older, which may need treatment and any potential medical problems the mouth can reveal can be picked up before they become a problem.

3. Make the Most of Your Makeup

Did you know that your face shape changes the older you get? Therefore, while you may be increasingly aware of your cheekbones, your crow's feet could also be putting in more of an appearance? However, providing you adapt your makeup regime the older you get, you will always look your absolute best! Why not try matching a smokey eye with a pale lipstick, which can be oh so flattering on a mature lady?

4. Don't Dry out

As skin ages, it can become drier and duller. Therefore, swap any heavy matte powder or foundation for a tinted moisturiser that is not too pale, to impart a dewy, youthful glow and much younger look. Should you feel the need for added coverage, just mix some of your tinted moisturiser with regular foundation.

5. Don't Go Overboard with Colour

If a woman does not look after herself enough, she can start to look a little washed out the older she gets. One of the worst ways of trying to compensate for this is to get heavy handed with brightly coloured makeup, as all that would do is have you end up looking like a drag artist and who wants that? Instead, opt for matte colours, like grey and taupe and steer well clear of both shimmer and frosted make-up which can, quite literally, become stuck in any wrinkles you may have and just exacerbate them.

6. Never Forget to Moisturise

Inside and out that is, which includes drinking enough water (1.6 litres per day) and using an effective moisturiser on a daily basis. Lip and eye creams, which can be expensive, would probably be a waste of money. However, should you have sensitive skin and skin sensitivity can increase with age, then there are many excellent and cost-effective skin care brands on the market to choose from, so just go with what you believe works the best for you and don't be afraid to do a little bit of experimenting along the way.

7. Are You Starting to Sprout Some Whiskers?

If so, this could be a sign that your estrogen levels may be falling. Nevertheless, electrolysis can provide an efficient and permanent solution to this but can be expensive and could, in the short-term, leave some scabs behind. Some people prefer facial epilators for hair removal whereas others opt for threading. Both can be good options but again, go with what suits you best

8. Feel like You Wake up in the Morning Representing a Wrinkled Pooch?

Then why not consider investing in a gorgeous silk pillowcase so that the face you look at in your mirror, first thing in the morning, will smile back at you with fewer wrinkles and more pride!

9. Get a Whiter, Brighter Smile

Having your teeth whitened can literally knock years off your looks! Nevertheless, you would be wise to have the procedure carried out by a professional and always aim for a natural looking finish.

10. Considering Surgery?

Even cosmetic surgery cannot make us look 20 years younger, but if you do feel that this is your best option, then try to use Botox or fillers sparingly or opt for a chemical peel, which is less invasive.

11. Don't Neglect Your Hands

As essential as it is that you look after your body, neglect your hands and they will ALWAYS give away your age. Just remember to keep it simple, i.e. your hands need to be well moisturised with clean nails that are neatly filed into a square or oval shape.

12. Perfect Your Pout

Is your top lip losing its fullness? Instead of opting for lip fillers as, after all, who wants a trout pout, invest instead in a neutral coloured lip pencil. With a little practice, you should be able to give your lips definition while preventing the dreaded lip bleed and softening your Cupid's Bow at the same time.

13. Get Brilliant Brows

Have you plucked your brows practically into non-existence? If so, take heart. With the deft use of an eyebrow filler in a shade that matches your natural brows and an eyebrow brush which is preferably angled, you can create the look of younger and thicker eyebrows. Whatever you do, however, never be tempted to overdo the power brow look or have thick, sluggish eyebrows tattooed on your face - it would look hideous - not young and beautiful!

14. Try a Tan

On more mature skin, a light tan, albeit fake, can look gorgeously youthful. Just remember to exfoliate your skin sufficiently before applying any tanning product, to ensure you get a non-streaky and natural looking result. Also, if your face is over 50, a good bronzer, gently applied, can offer you an added glow and therefore a more youthful look. To be successful with your bronzer, you need to make sure that you use it sparingly and the colour you choose is no more than a couple of shades darker than your natural complexion.

15. Practice Makes Perfect

On a final note where make up is concerned, do not be disheartened if you do not get the exact result you are looking for immediately. Practice and practice and you will get it right and the youthful look you create will be very much worth it!

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