8 Tips on Choosing a Beauty Box Subscription That's Right for You ...


8 Tips on Choosing a Beauty Box Subscription That's Right for You ...
8 Tips on Choosing a Beauty Box Subscription That's Right for You ...

These days, there’s a beauty box subscription for everyone. And while it’d be nice to get them all, we can’t always afford or want to subscribe to every single beauty sampling program out there. That’s where I come in, I'm here with some helpful tips on how you can find the best beauty box for you, so let's get started!

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1. Determine Your Budget

When you’re on the search for a beauty boxes, keep in mind that they range in price anywhere from $10 to $40 depending on what you’re looking for. The last thing you want is to get your heart set on a certain beauty box and find out it’s over your budget. Figure out how much you can shell out each month before you start browsing so you’re shopping smart!

2. Choose a Program That Makes Sense

Another tip to keep in mind while perusing your beauty box subscription options is to choose a program that makes sense for you. Beauty box programs offer different delivery schedules so there are some that are seasonal like Luxe Box or monthly like Birchbox. Figure out how often you want your beauty box before you move forward.

Frequently asked questions

3. Decide What Products You Want

As you’re looking for your perfect monthly beauty subscription, start thinking about what you want. Are you a skin care addict or love trying out new makeup? Maybe you’re obsessed with hair care or perhaps you want a little bit of everything. Think about what types of products you want most since some beauty boxes focus on one specific area whereas others incorporate a mish mash of items!

4. Read Terms of Service

Monthly beauty subscription companies aren’t out to get anybody but it’s not a bad idea to look over the fine print before you commit to any subscription service. Make sure you’re okay with all their cancellation policy and look over FAQs so you know exactly how the program works and what you’re agreeing to!

5. Browse around

Here comes the fun part about shopping for beauty boxes-browsing the different programs! Most beauty box subscriptions have quizzes to determine which products are best for you and you can get an idea of what types of products you can expect to get. Looking through the different brands of beauty boxes can be a lot of fun or overwhelming so get mentally prepared!

6. Read Reviews

A helpful way to decide which beauty box subscription is right for you is to read reviews. Get online and search some names of beauty boxes. You’ll find tons of reviews of the products and the box itself along with tons of photos so you can get a nice preview of what’s to come. I must warn you though that beauty boxes can be awesome one month and blah the next, so be sure to look through a few different months of boxes.

7. Watch Unboxings

Another fun and beneficial way to choose a beauty box subscription is to watch unboxing videos. These videos will show you exactly how the box was packaged and what products were inside. You can also watch regular video reviews where you can get quick reviews of the products in addition to being able to see the contents of the box!

8. Buy!

Okay, so buying isn’t exactly a helpful tip in choosing beauty boxes, but it’s the last step in the process. If you’re still unsure, think about asking to receive one as a gift (start hinting now!) or sign up for a monthly program that you can cancel anytime. Even if you cancel, you can always restart your subscription again later on!

Starting a beauty box subscription allows you to sample new products and brands that you might not have the opportunity to try out elsewhere. I love beauty boxes because you get a fancy little box full of surprises each month! Do you subscribe to a beauty box program? What’s your favorite?

Feedback Junction

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I use beauty box 5! Love it samples r nice sizes even got something i had my eye on!!!

Lisa! <3 ur work, I had no idea you were a contributor on here. Excellent job! I love ur stuff! :D

I use beauty box 5 i love it ... The samples r nice sizes i got my friend hooked on it too we text about our boxes each month!